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Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sunday, August 05, 2007 12:21 am by M. in ,    No comments
Several papers recently published with a Brontë relation from all over the world:

An analysis to the characters of the typical figure in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre
Cong Xiau-Fu
Information Technology (Academic Edition) 2007

Charlotte Bronte,the greatest English realistic woman writer in the middle of the 19th century.As a member from a literary family,she created a very brave woman Jane Eyre,who defended her freedom and independence and finally gained equality and love through her own struggle.This paper analyzes the characters of this typical figure,described the deep-touching story.

On Characters in Jane Eyre
Author: Zhao; Giant Ding Gang
Information Technology
Volume 1 2007 (2007/01) 152-154

This paper mainly focuses on the respective character of the main protagonists in the novel Jane Eyre. First of all, this paper analyses Jane Eyre personality which account for her plain appearance-being true, being benevolent and generous. And it follows the moral growth of Jane Eyre. Secondly it explores Rochester's unusual background and past, which causes both Jane and his physical and spiritual torment. Moreover, the paper analyses John, Jane's cousin, who has adampening, frigid influence on Jane's passionate nature. In addition, it attaches great importance to the symbolism of the air and names in the novel. By contrast of the protagonists and their respective ending, the paper tells that the best policy for women or the whole human beings is to be independent and equal, which is fated to vanquish all evils and difficulties.
Jane Eyre, a Historic Mirror
Shu; Solemn
Information Technology
Volume 3 (2007/01) 161-162

Jane Eyre, a historic Mirror is from 3 aspects to illustrate the author's point of view in details, and the emphasis is according to the background of Victorian Age to express the society, the religion and the people's spiritual and physical life of that time.
Analysis of the semantic field of 'pleasure' in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Tonos-Revista Electrónica de Estudios Filológicos - 11 (July 2006)
Nuria Navarro Zaragoza
(Universidad de Alicante)
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