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Monday, July 09, 2007

Monday, July 09, 2007 12:02 am by M. in ,    2 comments
A couple of years ago we published a brief post concerning the Brontë String Quartet. Now, we have come across an even more specific Brontë-related musical group, the Trio Gondal.

We read in Padova Cultura about a concert of the Trio Gondal (details here). The name Gondal is not by chance:

Maria Maddalena Main (violin)
Paolo Mencarelli (cello)
Maddalena Murari (pianoforte)

La scelta del nome Gondal vuole essere un omaggio alla scrittrice e poetessa inglese Emily Jane Brontë. Gondal è l’immaginario mondo, narrato in versi, che pervade l’opera letteraria di Emily Brontë. L’autrice del più grande romanzo di passione della letteratura occidentale, “Cime tempestose”, diventa, tramite il fantastico mondo letterario di Gondal, la musa ispiratrice di questa formazione.

The choice of the Gondal name is meant as a homage to the writer and English poet Emily Jane Brontë. Gondal is the imaginary world, written in poems, which inspires the literary work of Emily Brontë. The author of the most passionate novel of Western literature, "Wuthering Heights", becomes, through the fantastic literary world of Gondal, the muse of this formation.
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  1. Dear M.,we thank you for your interest in our piano trio. We started playing together this february and we are really very fond of English Literature and in particular of the Bronte sisters. Our projects include the performance of all Beethoven's piano trios next spring, but one of our dreams would be to play in the church of Haworth where the Bronte are buried. Best regards,
    Maria Maddalena Main (violin)
    Paolo Mencarelli (cello)
    Maddalena Murari (pianoforte)

  2. Hi Maddalena, Maria Maddalena and Paolo,

    Thanks for stopping by. As you probably know Emily Brontë was particularly fond of Beethoven. There's even a book published some time ago on the subject: Robert K. Wallace's Emily Brontë and Beethoven: Romantic Equilibrium in Fiction and Music.
    By the way, have you contacted the Brontë Society - Sezione Italiana? We are sure they will be more than happy to know about you.
