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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday, July 29, 2007 12:17 am by M. in ,    No comments
A couple of recent or upcoming novels with Brontë references:
Valerie Martin
Format: Hardcover
Random House (Nan A. Talese)
Pub Date: September 2007
ISBN: 978-0-385-51545-0 (0-385-51545-6)

Chloe Dale’s life is in good order. Her only child, Toby, has started his junior year at New York University; her husband, an academic on sabbatical, is working at home on his book about the Crusades; and Chloe is busy creating illustrations for a special edition of Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. Yet Chloe is disturbed—by the aggression of her government’s foreign policy, by the poacher who roams the land behind her studio punctuating her solitude with rifle fire, and finally, by Toby
’s new girlfriend, a Croatian refugee named Salome Drago.(...)
And this recently Spanish novel contains several Jane Eyre references:
Sombras en el corazón
María José Rosete
Maghenta Editorial
ISBN: 84-935-197-6-6
288 pag
The author in this interview to El Comercio says that:
En algunos apellidos y nombres homenajeo a 'Jane Eyre', un libro imprescindible y al que, en ocasiones, vuelvo para releer párrafos concretos. In some surnames and names I pay a tribute to Jane Eyre, a must-read book, to which I sometimes return to reread given paragraphs.
Certainly. As you can see in this synopsis one of the main characters is called Simeón Rovester.

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