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Friday, June 01, 2007

Friday, June 01, 2007 12:21 am by M. in ,    No comments
As the Brontë Parsonage Blog reported, today, June 1, begins the June Annual General Weekend of the Brontë Society. This is the programme that contains very interesting talks:
Friday 1 June

2.00 PM Writers & Their Houses - Why is Haworth Special.
A talk by novelist and biographer, Victoria Glendinning.
West Lane Baptist Centre, Haworth.

7.00 PM An evening in the Parsonage Meadow with the Chris White Jazz Trio, a light supper, an auction of Brontë conducted by Eric Knowles (BBC Antiques Roadshow), followed by readings from Emily Brontë's poetry.
If the weather is inclement, the event will be held in the West Lane Baptist Centre, Haworth.

Saturday 2 June

11.oo AM: Annual Lecture: Border Cousins: James Hogg (the Ettick Shepherd) and Emily Brontë.
Professor Douglas Gifford, Emeritus Professor of Scottish Literature in the University of Glasgow.

02:00 PM: Annual Service in The Parish Church of St Michael and All Angels, Haworth.
The theme for this year is the 150th anniversay of the publication of Mrs. Gaskell's Life of Charlotte Brontë in 1857. Members of the Gaskell Society will be taking part in the service. There will be a minute's silece in memory of Charles Lemon M.B.E. and the life of Geoffrey Sharps will also be commemorated during the service.

04:30 PM: 113th Annual General Meeting of the Brontë Society.
Chaired By Society president Rebecca Fraser.
West Lane Baptist Centre, Haworth.

7:30 PM: Brontë Lives:
A panel discussion featuring Brontë biographers, Juliet Barker, Edward Chitham, Rebecca Fraser and Lyndall Gordon. The discussion will be chaired by author and journalist Justine Picardie.

Sunday 3 June

10:30 AM to 12:00 midday Coffee and Cadence.
Angela Crow hosts readings from the Brontës with Robert Barnard, Ian Emberson, Helen Newman and Richard Wilcocks.
Ms Crow will be holding a book signing of her latest book after Coffee and Cadence.


8:15 PM: A screening of the 1995 television production of Stella Gibbons' Cold Comfort Farm.

Monday 4 June

9:00 AM: A visit to Dove Cottage and the Wordsworth Museum, Grasmere, in the beautiful English Lake District.

Tuesday 5 June

9:15 AM: Excursion to Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal.
EDIT: A very colourful article about this AGM can be read on Olivia Gordon's website (Seven Magazine, The Sunday Telegraph 22 July 2007). Yes, she is Lyndall Gordon's daughter.

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