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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Tuesday, April 03, 2007 12:07 am by M. in , ,    2 comments
Not Bollywood, but a new critical approach to Wuthering Heights published this month by Atlantic Publishers in India:

Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights
by Jibesh Bhattacharyya.

New Delhi, Atlantic Pub., 2007, viii, 180 p.,
ISBN 81-269-0685-5.

1. Life and works of Emily Bronte.
2. Characters and places.
3. A brief synopsis of the novel.
4. A critical analysis of the novel.
5. The title of the novel: its significance.
6. Wuthering Heights : a novel of romantic sensibilities.
7. Treatment of love and passion.
8. Blend of Victorian morality and Shelleyan Romanticism.
9. Wuthering Heights : a gothic novel.
10. Wuthering Heights : a novel of revenge.
11. Wuthering Heights : the plot-structure.
12. Narrative technique.
13. Art of characterisation.
14. Character-sketches: i. Major characters. ii. Minor characters.
A select bibliography.

As an anonymous reader has pointed out in the comments. It is quite interesting that Charlotte Brontë's portrait is chosen to illustrate a study on Emily Brontë's novel!

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  1. A picture of Charlotte Bronte on an Emily Bronte novel. Interesting.

  2. You're quite right ! We didn't notice the blunder :O

    THank you.
