
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    3 months ago

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 2:42 pm by M. in ,    No comments
Enough is enough. It seems that the Brontë Society is trying to put some limits, or at least to take some benefits, from so many brands that use Brontë's name. From the Yorkshire Post:
TOO many companies are trading on the name of Yorkshire's most famous literary sisters without giving anything back, says the Brontë Society chairman.
The Brontë name can be found on everything from bridal wear and estate agents to engineers and poultry providers in the names of firms from as far afield as Bristol to Ireland.
And Brontë Society chairman Richard Wilcocks is so irritated by it that he has written to every large company he could find bearing the Brontë name to ask for their financial support. (...)
Mr Wilcocks said: "By using the Brontë name they are conferring prestige on to their business and some even mention the Parsonage or the sisters in their products."Very few of them have ever been in touch, and even less than that have given us anything by way of sponsorship or financial help," he said."
There are dozens of them in Britain alone, making or supplying a range of products, from stone to spring water and from outdoor clothing to cooked chicken so I decided to write to their managing directors."
Mr Wilcocks told the Yorkshire Post: "This is meant as an amiable letter. I am irritated a bit but I am not that hot under the collar and I hope they see that contributing to the society would be mutually beneficial, because if a company gave money to our acquisition fund and it allowed us to buy a letter from Patrick Brontë we would recognise this in our publicity at the museum."
"I am now waiting to see what response I get." (John Roberts)


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