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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wednesday, March 21, 2007 4:51 pm by Cristina in ,    4 comments
A few days ago it was Ashley Olsen, today it is Victoria Beckham. According to Anorak,
News that Victoria Beckham is to host a book club in Los Angeles comes as no great shock. [...]
According to the Star, Vicky’s Hollywood pal Katie Holmes is just dying to learn more about British classics. And with the Bronte sisters dead and Jackie Collins indisposed who better to ask than Victoria Beckham?
A source tells the paper: “Victoria has made plans for five of her female friends, including Katie Holmes and Jennifer Lopez, to meet at each other’s houses to discuss the British canon.
Books on the agenda include Jane Austen’s oeuvre and the works of Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy.
Interesting that this news should come on the same day the fruity-toned thespian Stephen Fry tells Radio Times magazine: “I shouldn’t be saying this but I sometimes wonder if Americans aren’t fooled by our accents into detecting a brilliance that may not really be there.”
Can it be that the great and good have stereotyped Vicky, turning her into a plain Jane Eyre, the girl who grow up Posh and then married her Mr Rochester, aka Day-vid?
Our opinion has always been that as long as people read, everything's all right. However, we are willing to bet that they will end up commenting on the latest Vogue issue. Oh well, Victoria Beckham lost her opportunity of introducing the Brontës in Spain when she lived there.

Victoria Beckham also appears in the women section of The Times, where Burberry’s Christopher Bailey talks about fashion. However, Jane Eyre and Mrs Beckham appear in different paragraphs here.
In any case, he thinks taste is changing. “What would have been considered vulgar maybe just a few years ago is now seen as quite cool. I’m not going to get into labels like WAG, because it’s derogatory, and maybe I’m part of that culture [for the record, the still boyish Bailey in his beautifully tailored but faintly dishevelled jacket-and-jeans uniform is about as flashy as Jane Eyre] because I came from a working-class background in Yorkshire and now I eat at the Wolseley – but in a way, it’s just another British tribe, which is great.” (Lisa Armstrong)
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  1. Well good for her...I think - although what kept her from starting a book club before David's move to the MLS? They had ample time to learn Spanish, and she had numerous English speaking companions like Rebecca Loos...

    "Vicky’s Hollywood pal Katie Holmes is just dying to learn more about British classics." Yikes - not in preparation for Catherine Earnshaw I hope!

  2. Well, I guess she considers that the celebrities from LA can keep up with her knowledge better :P

  3. But Victoria Beckham is famous for saying she's never read a book in her life. (She said that to an interviewer in a press conference for the first book she "wrote", I believe.)

  4. Haha! I didn't know that! Perhaps Katie Holmes will be just reading the 'British classic' by Mrs Beckham. Lucky girl, eh?
