The last issue of
Prairie Schooner (a US quarterly of fiction, poetry, essay and review edited by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln) contains a poem by Andrea Potos devoted to the Brontës:
Prairie Schooner
Volume 80, Number 4, Winter 2006
Potos, Andrea, 1959-
The Bronte Skirt, and: Crocheting the Shawl
Eleven years old and sunk in the red velveteen
chair at the Fox Bay Theater, I absorbed
the raw sculpture of Penistone Crag,
bracken and gorse, the peat
blanketing the Yorkshire moors. Heathcliff
with his sea-green eyes, black cape swirled
around him, how tall and alarmingly
handsome he looked. (Read more)
Note: The magazine cover corresponds to the Fall 2006 Issue. The most recent one it is not yet on the magazine's web.
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