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    4 months ago

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Saturday, March 10, 2007 12:15 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
Via metteflette, we have found a website full of classic silhouettes - The Edobarn Gallery - which includes a couple of Brontë silhouettes. Mind you, these were not taken 'from life'. They were created by Elizabeth Baverstock and indeed might strike Brontëites as not too Brontë-like at all.

Here is Charlotte Brontë and here is Emily Brontë (on the right in a reduced version). And here is a brief note on Elizabeth Baverstock's background:
Elizabeth Baverstock lives and works near Basingstoke. She has cut many thousands of highly decorative silhouettes. Much of her work is decorated with bits of lace and other applique work. My two are bronzed and highlighted with a black (!) pen.
True to our mental image or not, it's always a pleasure to come across this kind of thing: the Brontës inspiring other forms of art.

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