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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 5:46 pm by Cristina in , ,    No comments
As you may well imagine the net is overflowing with hearts and red roses... and some Brontë mentions.

A couple of Jane Eyre fans have written a couple of Jane-Eyre-related pieces to mark the day. Blitzschreiber has Jane write a Valentine to Rochester while orzak writes a modern take on Jane Eyre and V-Day. (*)

The Washington Post asks people about what love is for them:
Heather Schell, an assistant professor of writing, picked up similar attitudes when she taught a course called "Love, American Style" at George Washington University. Her female students loved to discuss the chick-lit book "Bridget Jones's Diary" and the sexual follies of Jones and her boss, Daniel Cleaver. But they were not enthralled with Edward Rochester's lengthy courtship in "Jane Eyre." Quick flings, or hookups, were okay, "but love was rarely mentioned in class discussions," Schell says.Their favorite assigned reading? A poetry anthology called "The Hell With Love." (Laura Sessions Stepp)
It's the fast-food generation after all. Their loss ;)

The Courier News celebrates Hershey Kisses' 100th anniversary by reminiscing about historial kisses on screen because:
When a kid growing up defines his or her expectations of what Love will be like, with a capital L, does he or she turn to a novel by the Bronte sisters? Not likely. (Dave Gathman)
But it happens :)

And which film opens today? Memorable or not, The Promise features kisses, that's for sure, because they have been mentioned nearly in every article about it, including this one from Philstar.
Inspired by Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, The Promise features Richard and Angel in "more mature" roles that require them to engage in torrid kissing/love scenes. "Very passionate," added Richard. "We can’t be young forever. We have to grow up somehow." (Ricardo F. Lo)
The Baltimore Sun also discusses briefly Wuthering Heights.
Occasionally, its destructive love, as Emily Bronte wrote of Heathcliff and Catherine's dark, unresolved passion in Wuthering Heights. (Dan Thanh Dang)
Where there's absolutely no love is in this article from The Badger Herald. Here's why:
Conan Doyle was one of literature’s finest writers, sans any footnotes. His descriptive power was first rate and his turn of a phrase was eloquent, yet distinctly masculine — none of that Bronte or Austen nonsense. His characters were fresh and durable. (Jed Moore)
Of course. BrontëBlog is witness to the fact that no one remembers Jane Eyre or Heathcliff any more...

(*) EDIT

The Brontë Parsonage Blog a poem for Valentine's day. A very nice one by Martin Malone: Book's visitor, with several Brontë references.

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