
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    2 months ago

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Thursday, January 04, 2007 1:48 pm by M. in ,    No comments
The Looking Glass Lounge is the name of an installation by Laura Larson that opens today, January 4, in the Riverside Art Museum, Riverside, California, as it's reported by the The Press-Enterprise:
When Laura Larson was growing up, she and her friends would escape from the world in the women's lounge of a department store.
They would sit on a big velvet couch before beveled mirrors, talking about and imagining what they would be when they grew up.
Now, Larson, an artist who lives in Los Angeles, drew upon those moments for her installation "Looking Glass Lounge," which opens at the Riverside Art Museum today.
She said that as she grew older, she wondered about beauty and its impact on women's self-esteem.(...)
To find the answer, she looked to the mirror. She created dressing tables for literary characters and real-life women.
Three of her 13 pieces are on display at the Riverside Art Museum -- Jane Eyre, Elaine from Margaret Atwood's "Cat's Eye" and Ginevra de' Benci, a real-life Italian aristocrat poet from the 15th century.
Each piece has a vanity and a mirror, with a quote from the character or the person. (Vanessa Franko)
The installation has been seen previously in the L.A. Haus Gallery. There you can see the complete installation:
"Jane Eyre" (2003)
Mirrors and table (84" x 72" x 15") with found objects (picture above)
Divided in:
Clear mirror (17" x 21" x 1-1/4"), etched front & back, in found frame,
with gold, silver & copper leaf and found objects.
Peach mirror (12-1/2" x 24" x 1"), etched front & back with images and quotation,
in found frame with gold, silver & copper leaf, wood, varnish and found objects.
Smoke mirror (19" x 21" x 2"), etched front & back, with gold, silver & copper leaf,
styrofoam & paint on found frame with found objects.
Complete information:
The Looking Glass Lounge
An Installation by Laura Larson

January 4- March 10, 2007
Reception: Thursday, January 4, 6-9 PM
3425 Mission Inn Avenue ● Riverside CA 92501
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