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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tuesday, January 16, 2007 12:03 am by M. in ,    No comments
The results of BBC Drama Awards for 2006 have been published. The Internet voters have chosen Dr. Who as a clear winner for all the categories. But Jane Eyre's results are not bad. With a special mention to Ruth Wilson (2n place). The pictures belong to the Favourite Moment of Jane Eyre chosen by the voters.

Best Drama

3: Jane Eyre (12.08%)
"Without a doubt, the best period drama adaptation we have seen in a long while. Toby Stephens and Ruth Wilson were phenomenal, with a fantastic supporting cast. An all round outstanding piece." Emma Fullbrook, Flitwick, Bedfordshire
Best Actor

3: Toby Stephens (10.49%)

"Perfectly cast as Mr Rochester. His superlative acting showed every aspect of this complex character in a sensitive and moving way. The last scenes with Ruth Wilson are unparalled in recent drama productions." Anne Crabb, Essex

Best Actress

2: Ruth Wilson (16.01%)

"A truly unique and intriguing portrayal of Jane Eyre, Ruth Wilson absolutely shone in this role. Her vulnerable nature coupled with her secretly concealed strength of character was perfectly conveyed in a stunning struggle of emotions. A first rate example of good acting." Emma Fullbrook, Flitwick, Bedfordshire

Favourite Moment

2: Jane & Rochester's Reunion [Jane Eyre] (4.11%)

"When Jane goes back to Rochester, he's so overwhelmed with happiness that he cries. It's especially sentimental because Rochester can no longer see. When he realises it is really his Jane the happiness of his face is so moving." Liz, London

Best Drama Website

6: Jane Eyre (6.18%)
[Also in the list : the C19 board (0,08%) and Brontëana (0,06%)]

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