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Friday, December 22, 2006

Friday, December 22, 2006 1:50 pm by M. in ,    No comments
Passing by China, Israel and the blogosphere.

A charming story is published in Shanghai Daily:
I find it ironic that my interest in literature was first piqued in a place where reading fiction was considered a waste of time.
Back in 1990s Shanghai, a promising and intelligent youth would read nothing but math and science prep books. And yet, as trends go, there are always a few stragglers. (...)
I am very lucky to live in a Chinese-American family where the pleasure in reading is enthusiastically encouraged. (...)
But I have fallen in love with the insightful charm of "Pride and Prejudice," the passion of "Anna Karenina," and the melancholy diction of "Jane Eyre." (Lu Yiren)
This reviewer of Haaretz has a very vague idea, as a matter of fact he has no idea at all, of Charlotte's Brontë's works:
In the classic novels of marriage, Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte instruct their female readers how to find a proper match, which will combine love with an improvement of their social and economic standing. (Alit Karp)
This article on American Heritage about the Wright Brothers, the flying pioneers, compares the family background of the Brontë sisters and the Wright Brothers:
The Wrights were the stuff of Sinclair Lewis, seasoned with dashes of Thornton Wilder and the Brontë sisters: solidly Midwestern products rooted in mainstream, small-town, agrarian-oriented WASP culture. Their father, Milton Wright, an unbending and contentious bishop in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, came from old Puritan English and Dutch stock. He had married a shy, studious woman, Susan Koerner, of German-Swiss roots; from this union came seven children, five of whom, four brothers and a sister, survived into adulthood. (Richard P. Hallion)
If you have found this comment weird, wait to read this Starsky & Hutch fan-fiction story that mentions not only Wuthering Heights, but even the whole family, Anne and Branwell included !

We also highlight this post about the on going Hungarian theatrical performances of Jane Eyre that we presented some days ago.

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