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Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday, October 09, 2006 12:15 pm by M.   1 comment
The third episode of Jane Eyre generates many opinions, comments and reviews on blogs and boards
around. As usual we quote some of the first ones that we have read. There'll be more.

BBCCostumeDrama group


That episode had me all over the place. I know that's the idea but - oh. When they were at the church, knowing what was going to happen. And Jane's face! Oh, bless her soul. The scene at the end with her removing her veil and pinning back that loose tendril of hair - that was so beautiful and heartbreaking.
I was hoping that certain notable scenes would redeem this adaptation but they largely left me unmoved. Oh well...

Just like last week, it wasn't the scenes with Rochester and Jane that created tension, it was Jane's reaction to them afterwards, displaying real depth of emotion that touched me. Ruth Wilson really is doing an excellent job.

I was disappointed with both the return from Mrs Reed's and the proposal scenes. The former seemed quite truncated but I was glad that some original dialogue was retained. In the proposal scene, Jane's tears seemed to appear out of the blue: one minute she was dry-eyed, the next she was streaming. And the kiss? He seemed to miss her mouth...

Ruth Wilson portrayed Jane's silent anguish on discovering Rochester's previous marriage excellently. I still haven't warmed to Toby Stephens but it was difficult not to feel something as he described his torment and his desire to have Jane. And Jane's reaction to this was heartbreaking. (...)
IMDB board
ColdWindToValhalla: Best episode so far! The proposal scene was out of this world; Ruth displayed a master class in acting to all aspiring actresses out there – power, passion, heartbreak; a master class I tell you! She looked like an angel in that wedding dress and it was heartbreaking the way her happy and joyous emotions changed when she took in the terrible news; genius! Again, how great was this episode? I think I’m in love with Ruth Wilson!
C19 board
Pocahontas: Well, I thought Toby Stephens was fantastic in this instalment, the best he's been so far. Loved how he went from giddy happiness with Jane to despair and self-loathing telling the tale of his first marriage and his 'wife'. Whilst I was hoping for all the scenes and dialogue as per the novel, I think they kept a lot of the dialogue in. Ruth Wilson's " do you think because I am poor, plain, and little I have no soul" was heartfelt and I think Rochester's love for her came over well, in fact I think that scene was done very well, their was passion there and the kissing after...oh the kissing! The also used the "you cannot do without me" line, which I smiled at because I like that.
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1 comment:

  1. Well... I think I can assume that you liked the episode :)

    We also join you in the petition for a BAFTA nomination, specially for Ruth Wilson and Susannah White !
