
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006 11:48 pm by Cristina   3 comments
We just quote some of the (urgent) reviews that are appearing on the web:



The relationship between Jane and Rochester (Toby Stephens) throbs with sexual tension and yet is allowed to grow and develop at a natural pace through the 45 minutes they're on screen together. (...) Wonderful stuff!

So far, taking into consideration that TV adaptations can never be 100% true to the original, and Jane was never going to be as plain as described, I think I like it. Rochester is suitably growly, snarky, with a hint of angst, and Jane hasn't been turned into some simpering love interest who makes googly eyes with her One Twu Wuv. (...) Anyway, I do have a great affection for the text. Jane is a wonderful heroine - strong, thoughtful, and she can banter along with Rochester as well as the rest of them. She makes difficult decisions, and abides by her moral code, but she is no bore. Definitely one of my fictional heroes.

Screen Stories:
Cinematographically there is much to recommend here. Colours are lush, suitably sombre-toned and Gothic, editing is fast-paced. There is a rather unsubtle motif in play - a red scarf occasionally wafting in the breeze from a window in the North Tower, where all of us who have read the novel know, lurks poor mad Bertha.
Overall this is highly watchable, if a little unoriginal in scope and treatment. (...)

Visually it looks stunning: none of that awful artificial lighting that's
so obvious on 70s and 80s TV period drama. I think I'm unhappy with the changed
dialogue. It isn't as inappropriate as the dialogue in the 1997 ITV version but
it doesn't seem quite right. I'm not entirely convinced by Toby Stephens's Mr
Rochester either. He is a little too good looking. His facial features are too
fine and his received pronunciation accent doesn't fit the part. Ruth Wilson,
however, is very good as Jane. I don't mind that the early years were skimmed
over though I do think young Jane was too young: wasn't she supposed to be about
10 when she went to school? Adele may also have been too old. (...) Perhaps
certain scenes will rescue the adaptation in my eyes...

They have ruined Jane Eyre! BBC's latest adaptation is absolutely dire. Not only is Rochester's hair ginger, i mean did they even bother reading the book? The whole point is he's supposed to be dark, mentally and physically, not ginger and taking Adele, Jane, and Mrs Fairfax for a nature hike.

There is a bare minimum of original dialogue, again, did they read the book? The acting and casting is ridiculous. And the cameraman seems determined to shoot solely in interesting angles, at time i wondered if i was watching some 80s pop video. (...)
Categories: ,


  1. Thank you for the info, Rosie. You see I can't really comment on anything you say because I haven't seen it myself yet but I really appreciate it :D

  2. Thank you for the information, Rosie! You see, I can't yet comment on anything you say because I haven't watched it yet but I really appreciate your comments :)

  3. Oh, if we are lucky we will get to watch it sooner than expected. There's some very nice people out there :)

    And of course there's the DVD release which we will get religiously :) And yes, this is all very trying to our patience - you can't imagine how much actually!

    We will ask, Rosie. Thanks a lot :)
