Two Brontë-related books recently published in Spanish and Portuguese:
Charlotte Brontë by Carmen Albaladejo is published by
Edimat in the series Mujeres en la Historia (Women in History).
- Hardcover: 189 pages
- Publisher: Edimat Libros (30 Jun 2006)
- Language Spanish
- ISBN: 8497647424

Livro das Passagens is a book of poems written by Maria Andresen published by Relógio d'Água Editores. As the author says in
this interview, one of her main influences is Emily Brontë and Wuthering Heights in particular.
She has written some poems in the book (and in her previous one) devoted to Emily and her novel. More information about the book (in Portuguese)
- 104 pages
- ISBN 972-708-882-1
Categories: Books, Charlotte_Brontë, Biography, Poetry
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