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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:36 pm by Cristina   2 comments
This kind of list crops up from time to time: the best book-to-movie adaptations. We have seen everything on these lists, and today's the turn for Jane Eyre 1944 (the Fontaine-Welles version), which makes it to slot number 5 (out of 15). This film, which is probably the best-known adaptation of Jane Eyre, seems to be going through a revival lately.

However, we are placing all our hopes for the best adaption yet being the new one. If we are to judge only by the pictures (have you see the lastest yet?) and what we know of it we shamelessly admit to being very thrilled about it all and getting our hopes up. This half of BrontëBlog at least is no fan of the previous adaptations she has watched. Here's hoping this one will be up to scratch on our list :D

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  1. I've posted similar sentiments on another blog:

    I suppose like Great Expectations (David Lean), it's a good adaptation for its time.

    I loved Joan in Rebecca - her best performance in my opinion, that's a great adaptation! surprised that's not on the list.

    I agree with you BronteBlog - I hope this new adaptation is talked about in future as a faithful adaptation.

  2. Yes, I guess it's a good movie for its time. And I guess it's still is. Only I'm too biased by the book and the many things that were completely changed/overlooked.

    That list - IMO - lacks a good many better adaptations, though. But as I said, these things are so personal!
