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    2 months ago

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Saturday, June 24, 2006 12:29 pm by M.   2 comments
Two new Brontëites for our ever-growing list:

The Independent publishes an interview with Brian Blessed, president of the Council for National Parks and this what he says:

Favourite place in the British Isles?
Top Withins, near Haworth, in real Brontë country. I like the stark isolation and the grandeur. It's the centre of the earth for me.

(Stark isolation, see?)

And another Brontëite, this one totally unexpected, Walter Hill. Yes, the director of action movies like The Warriors, The Driver, 48 hours or Streets of Fire or westerns like Wild Bill surprises us when he says in this interview published in L.A. Weekly:

As this bearish-looking, graceful conversationalist reminded me during a recent interview at the Polo Lounge, “Wuthering Heights is one of the most violent stories anybody has ever cooked up.”

Well, maybe this is not enough to call him an official Brontëite, but we were so surprised that we cannot avoid the mention.

Note: Picture courtesy of this website.



  1. wonderful blog.
    it's funny how things happen. i was watching a travel short on turner classics about the british isles at the same time that i landed on your blog.
    i'm a bronte fan, so i'll be back.
    and, i just added you to the sphere engine so you should start showing up in our results.

  2. What a coincidence! We are glad you like our blog, and hope to see you around too.

    Oh, and thank you for adding us. That was really kind of you, Victoria :)
