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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Thursday, March 09, 2006 12:00 am by M.   No comments
Ask the dust is a film directed by Robert Towne (the writer of Chinatown) that opens tomorrow Friday 10 in the US. The film is an adaptation from a 1930s American novel by John Fante. Reading the review published on the Village Voice we found the following:

Smothering Heights
Chinatown scribe dusts off Fante's classic novel of drinking and writing in 1930s L.A.
by J. Hoberman
Ultimately, Ask the Dust has been less adapted than gentrified; a saga of masochistic torment transformed into a sentimental love story. According to the press notes, Towne's hopeful sell line is " Wuthering Heights in Bunker Hill." (Bunker Hill is a downtown area of L.A.)

Looking for the origin of this motto, we have found the following interview to the director published on Emanuel Levy's web:

Wuthering Heights Kind of Love Story
I saw the story as a sort of Wuthering Heights in Bunker Hill. In its way, it's as old a story as Romeo and Juliet. It ends, as all great love stories do, tragically. We sense that the love is so powerful that it will endure beyond the individuals who are the receptacles of that passion. It makes us believe that there is such a thing as love. That's why love stories move people and we go to see them. Romances are fun, but love stories give us hope.

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