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Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sunday, February 12, 2006 12:40 am by M.   No comments
The Student Theatre Company of Lowell High School will present a festival of one-act plays today February 12, 2006 at 2:00pm in the Irish Auditorium of Lowell High School, Lowell, Massachusetts.

In the Sentinel and Enterprise newspaper we found more information:
The festival features three very different one-acts, being performed by 20 drama students from the school. After judging by several theater professionals, one of those plays will be the school's entry in the upcoming Massachusetts State High School Drama Guild Festival Competition. Lowell will perform the winning play in Westford in early March, then hopefully continue to the finals later that month.
"These students take it very seriously. And I hope this year will be good for our group," said James Ferguson, Lowell High drama director since September. (...)

The final play, A Voice of My Own, by Elinor Jones, is about six women writers, including the Bronte sisters, George Sand and George Eliot, and how they created their own voices despite having to take on a man's name at times.

A voice of my own was originally premiered in 1979.



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