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    3 months ago

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Tuesday, February 07, 2006 5:58 pm by Cristina   4 comments
We read that Angelina Jolie is polishing her Yorshire accent in preparation for her possible part in Wuthering Heights.

The couple are allegedly watching the Yorkshire based show so that Jolie can hone her accent ready for her role as Cathy in the new film version of Wuthering Heights.

The Sun has reported that the couple speak constantly in a northern accent to one another.

A friend said: "On their recent trip to the UK and Europe, Brad and Ange used northern accents all the time - and did impressions of 'Emmerdale' characters."

"She has made Brad watch loads of episodes."

"Angelina is trying to convince friends it's the best thing on TV."

Jolie will reportedly be starring with Johnny Depp in the new film version of ‘Wuthering Heights’.

Honestly, you would think that such a rich couple could easily afford a personal accent trainer. We are still very reluctant to imagine Angelina Jolie as Cathy so the mental image this news creates still manages to make our hair stand on end.

However we advise you to still take all these new Wuthering Heights stuff with a grain of salt. You know how the saying goes, but just in case Angelina is reading this we'll say it so she can put her newly-acquired Emmerdale accent to work:

Beleev none o' wha' theur 'ear 'n 'alf o' wha' theur see.

Our Yorkshire accent has been polished not with Emmerdale, but here.

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  1. Hmm....hate to be pedantic, but I feel that the Dialect Translator isn't the most reliable source of 'Yorkshire-Speak'...where on earth do they get this 'thear' word from? Nonsense. Angelina, if you're reading this, lovey, do as suggested and pay for yourself a decent dialect coach!

  2. oops...sorry people! meant to say what's this 'theur' word.....and to mention in passing that watching countless episodes of 'Emmerdale' won't help much...they're just actors, darlings, though a smattering of them may come from somewhere in Yorkshire, originally.

    An', sitha, if tha mun laike at Wutherin' 'eights, do it reight 'us tha's'll end up in't' bog 'oile along o' yon Cathy's shoon.

  3. Haha! Well, we're not Yorkshire speakers here either so since unlike Ms Jolie we can't afford a personal coach, we have to rely on that.

    ... Or perharps we really should start watching Emmerdale too and get our act together :P

    Thanks for the comment :)


  4. I don't have any objections to Jolie or Depp playing these parts. Surely it won't be as pitifully butchered as the 1939 William Wyler's adaptation. Between the director's ruining of the storyline and Merle Oberon / Laurence Olivier's passionately flat overacting I'm surprised anyone ever read the book again! And don't even go near the Timothy Dalton disaster. The only decent adaptation to date, has been with Ralph Fiennes and Juliette Binoche. She lacked the zest but he did convey Heathcliff's dark streak. So ... bring on Jolie and Depp. If they can act, this will be brilliant. If they can't, then they'll just join the bad acting collection in the heap in the corner.
    wutheringheightsNOSPAM at g mail com
