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    4 months ago

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Thursday, November 17, 2005 1:50 pm by M.   3 comments
Did you like this? (at the bottom of the post). Now you have the chance to enjoy more samples of Yorkshire dialect with this recent book: "Yorkshire Dialect Classics" written by Arnold Kellett and published last October 31.

This definitive anthology is a lively tour through the best in Yorkshire dialect from the seventh century to the present day, and includes: traditional rhymes and sayings; poetry ranging from the ancient Lyke Wake Dirge through comic verse such as 'Ahr Mary's Bonnet' to modern love poems; and prose from Emily Brontë to the contemporary humour of Tony Capstick.Consisting of classis Yorkshire material, this illustrated hardback dialect 'Bible' is itself a little classic, and is the ideal bedside companion or Christmas gift.

A review by The Huddersfield Daily Examiner can be found here.

For Yorkshire dialect, he assures, us will die. He is at pains to point out that dialect is not a quaint and comical kind of speech or a corruption of normal English, as many take it to be.
It is essentially an older form of our language, as "broad Yorkshire" not just a matter of curious words and phrases but a living language, with a considerable literature to its credit. (...)

He also suggests that the noise of the mills and the pits is a reason why we tend to turn the volume up more than our northern and easterly cousins.
But you don't have to take it all this seriously. By far the bigger part of the book is given over to prose from Emily Brontë to Tony Capstick, verse on subjects as varied as Yorkshire pudding to the Messiah.

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  1. That's eur girt buk ! Girt blog, keep up t' gran' fettle.

    Martyn fra York

    or in standard English ;
    That's a great book ! Great blog, keep up the good work.

    Martyn from York

  2. Haha! Martyn you're in the thick of it, are you not? :)


  3. Look here:


