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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Sunday, November 13, 2005 1:02 pm by Cristina   No comments
Well, it seems that costume dramas are not going through suh a crisis after all. Perhaps there are never enough of them, but quite a few are coming in the future. And not only that, the really good news is:

Coming up next: new productions of "Sense and Sensibility," "Jane Eyre" and "Brideshead Revisited"—all of which have already been remade in the past two decades.

Let's hope they are true to their word!

According to the article, costume dramas are a great springboard for relatively unkown actors and actresses and very profitable for them:

Ask Emma Thompson, Gwyneth Paltrow or Dame Judy Dench why costume dramas appeal and the answer seems fairly obvious: you get to wear empire dresses, ride in a horse-drawn carriage and greatly improve your chances for an Oscar. Academy Award or no, Eaton says that costume dramas can be career-makers. Until he strode down the manicured lawns of Pemberley in a dripping-wet shirt, Colin Firth was relatively unknown outside Britain. Now the mere mention of his name makes housewives sigh from Stockholm to Sydney. "There is that saying that everyone wants to play Hamlet, and I think some of this applies to classic literature [which] has fantastic lead parts," says Eaton. If only we could all get Mr. Darcy in the end.

Indeed, who wouldn't want to know what it feels like to wear an empire dress or a Victorian outfit in their lifetime?

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