The Irish Times features composer Ailís Ní Ríain.
Calling Mutely through Lipless Mouth took its title from The Glass Essay by the Canadian poet, essayist and translator Anne Carson.
“I was rereading it when my mother was dying in August 2022, after six weeks in hospital. [...]
This is the passage I read the night of my mom’s passing: ‘It is a hard wind slanting from the north. / Long flaps and shreds of flesh rip off the woman’s body and lift / and blow away on the wind, leaving / an exposed column of nerve and blood and muscle / calling mutely through lipless mouth. / It pains me to record this, / I am not a melodramatic person. / But soul is “hewn in a wild workshop” / as Charlotte Brontë says of Wuthering Heights.’” (Michael Dervan)
Crónica (Mexico) recommends 5 books to fall in love with and one of them is Wuthering Heights.
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