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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Tuesday, January 28, 2025 7:24 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
The Nerd Daily features Paul Coccia's novel Recommended Reading and has the main character recommend several novels including
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
Emily Brontë’s (of the famous Brontë siblings) only published this one novel. The intensity! The passion! The devotion that defies death! The songs by Kate Bush and Céline via Meatloaf! Heathcliff is one of the original brooding bad boys, stomping around the Yorkshire moors as he and Catherine pine for one another. True love has never been so deliciously sadomasochistic. Read the OG classic that inspired both the Twilight and Fifty Shades franchises which, in turn, helped legitimize fanfic.
Jane Ratcliffe's Substack interviews writer Eleanor Anstruther. Asked about how her love of reading began, she replies,
A little older, and I got into Jilly Cooper, Dick Francis, and the original Flowers in the Attic. Then my mother introduced me to Jane Eyre, and I was off.
GQ (Spain) features writer Virginia Feito:
En esta novela de terror gótico ambientada en la Inglaterra de la época victoriana hay sangre y vísceras. La acción transcurre en Ensor House, una de esas mansiones típicas del condado de Yorkshire —tan habituales en algunas de los dramas de Jane Austen y de las hermanas Brönte [sic]—, en la que podríamos imaginarnos con nitidez a una Jane Eyre aguantando el mal carácter de Edward Rochester.
Winnifred, una mujer tan inteligente como macabra, con una infancia carente de momentos felices, llega la mansión en calidad de institutriz, como Jane Eyre, donde desata su rabia acumulada ante unas diferencias sociales que considera injustas. Ya en la tercera página del libro se avisa al lector de sus intenciones: Estamos a principio de otoño. El frío no se ha hecho esperar, y dentro de tres meses todos los habitantes de esta casa estarán muertos. (Marta Caro) (Translation)
RTÉ (Ireland) recommends what to watch on TV tonight:
Wuthering Heights: Love, Hate and Vengeance, 8.00pm, Sky Arts
If you’ve ever read Wuthering Heights, you’ll know it’s a quite incredible story and an unforgettable experience.
Narrating the doomed romance of Heathcliff and Catherine, Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights also contains a powerful critique of British society, denouncing its oppressive and colonising system.
This documentary explores the little-known and disturbing aspects of a cult book that was first published back in 1847. (John Byrne)


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