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Thursday, December 26, 2024

Thursday, December 26, 2024 1:00 pm by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Zee News has a list of some gothic books to read this holiday season:
Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë is a timeless Gothic novel, that revolves around the story of Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw. The haunting setting and eerie vibe make this book a perfect pick.
Jane Eyre
Written by Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre is filled with Gothic elements. Although it has some romantic touch but it still would be a perfect pick for a gothic novel.
Focus Features highlights the new Robert Egger's film Nosferatu and other "extraordinary" adaptations:
Jane Eyre 2011
In Jane Eyre, director Cary Fukunaga and screenwriter Moira Buffini transform Charlotte Brontë’s romantic novel of profound love into a moody tale of the gothic imagination. In an exclusive Focus Features interview, Buffini describes the heart of the novel as a “vulnerable young woman in this creepy old house.” Mia Wasikowska plays Jane, the poor orphan who takes up residence in the spooky estate of the formidable Mr. Rochester (Michael Fassbender) and his peculiar housekeeper Mrs. Fairfax (Judi Dench). “Neither a radical updating nor a stiff exercise in middlebrow cultural respectability, Mr. Fukunaga's film tells its venerable tale with lively vigor and an astute sense of emotional detail,” writes the New York Times. Crowning it the best adaptation of Brontë’s novel, Screenrant wrote that “no other [film] has captured the essence of the novel the way that” Fukunaga’s version does.
Qué Ver (Argentina) and Den of Geek review the new adaptation of Nosferatu:
Esto fue algo que el propio Eggers quiso priorizar, tomando inspiración de las versiones previas de Nosferatu, desde la original de F.W. Murnau hasta la de Werner Herzog en 1979. El director señaló la importancia de enfatizar en esa perspectiva femenina desde el inicio, convirtiendo la narrativa en una historia de "amante demoníaco", con ecos de la intensidad emocional de Cumbres Borrascosas. (Magela Muzio) (Translation)

Eggers told me Death and the Maiden was on his mind while adapting Nosferatu, as well as countless other classic tales about love being supplanted by obsession or self-annihilation, from The Daemon Lover to Wuthering Heights. (David Crow)

The Guardian explores what your life could be if you dare to ignore the algorithm. 
It was in the spirit of exiting my comfort bubble that I first agreed to attend “The Most Wuthering Heights Day Ever”: an annual event where Kate Bush fans mark her birthday by recreating the film clip to her song Wuthering Heights. If my friend had invited me on April Fools’ Day, I’d have assumed she’d made the whole thing up – but it was July. (Emma Wilkins)
Cornwall Live lists Cornish men and women who have changed the world:
Maria Branwell (1783-1821)
Born and raised in Penzance, Maria met Patrick Brontë while visiting her aunt and uncle in Yorkshire, which means, yes, she was the mother of British authors Emily, Anne and Charlotte Brontë and their poet/painter brother Branwell. (LJ Trewhela)
This columnist in El Diario (Spain) is quite right in saying:
Me cabrea que 'Mujercitas' o los libros de Jaen Austen o las hermanas Brontë se consideren muchas veces una cosa light, sin peso ni trasfondo, porque lo tienen, y mucho. No, no son libros o pelis para chicas, son libros y pelis para todo el mundo. Porque las historias merecen la pena y porque también hablan de cosas importantes y porque, de paso, permiten que afloren muchos de esos porqués que dan lugar a conversaciones o reflexiones. (Ana Requena Aguilar) (Translation)
La Jornada Zapatecas (México) interviews the writer and journalist Eve Gil:
Elena Poniatowska: Por favor, háblanos de ti, Eve… 
E.G.: (...) Contar con una genealogía literaria es, además de legítimo, absolutamente necesario, y parecería que las jóvenes no tuvieran derecho a ella. Cuando empecé mis estudios formales yo sólo leía a mujeres anglosajonas y, casi siempre, decimonónicas. Mis grandes referentes literarios eran las hermanas Brontë (enfáticamente Emily), Jane Austen, Edith Wharton, Margaret Mitchell, Colleen McCullough y Erica Jong, quien enfrentó un juicio por pornografía. A Virginia Woolf la leí hasta los veintitantos. Pero no conocía autoras con las que me sintiera culturalmente vinculada, y tuve que buscarlas. (...)
A un nivel estilístico me reconozco fuertemente influenciada por María Luisa Bombal, Luisa Valenzuela, Inés Arredondo, Rosario Castellanos y por ti, Elena. Y también, dicho sea de paso, por Emily Brontë, Murasaki Shikibu, Flannery O’Connor y Angela Carter. (Translation)

Parade lists Christmas poems including Anne Brontë's Music on Christmas Morning. The poem also features in this year's AnneBrontë.org holiday post. and video.


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