
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 10:44 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
 Broadway Baby reviews the Kate Butch: Wuthering Shites show at the Edinburgh Fringe:
We’re in luck: Kate Butch is workshopping her jukebox musical: Bush! to audiences at the Fringe this Summer. With protagonist Kathy (a la Wuthering Heights) at the helm, we follow her journey navigating trials and tribulations—informed, of course, by Kate Bush lyrics. (Isabella Thompson)
The Guardian's Poem of the Week is The Art of Clothing by ZR Ghani:
(...) My tongue wrestled to weave sense amid my shattered selves;
my instincts grappled with Estella, Miss Sharp, Miss Eyre,
when I’d rummage their pages with laughter, tears, prayer. (...)
Ghani, reading silently, listens deeply, and finds her own feminist sacred text in a hybrid of three novels, and a concept of gathering her “shattered selves” through the characters, “Estella, Miss Sharp, Miss Eyre”. Red’s different shades of colour-symbolism might be applied to each of these women.(...) For the protagonist of Jane Eyre, there is the entrapment of the “red room”. It was after reading Jane Eyre at the age of 16 that Ghani felt impelled to become a writer. (Carol Rumens)
Il Messagero announces the Rome performances of Cime Tempestose, adapted by Martina Badiluzzi in October:
Dal 9 al 13 ottobre il Teatro Vascello accoglie una ramificazione di Romaeuropa festival, con le suggestioni fantasmatiche di Lisa Ferlazzo Natoli (regista) e Rosalina Conti (autrice): Uccellini racconta di presenze-assenze, rimossi e fratture, relazioni e perdite. La voce energica di Licia Lanera, attrice e regista pugliese, risuonerà in Altri libertini di Pier Vittorio Tondelli (15-16 ottobre). La linea femminile del teatro contemporaneo si rafforza con Martina Badiluzzi, che ha tradotto per la scena Cime tempestose di Emily Brontë, adattandola all’espressività di Arianna Pozzoli e Loris De Luna (19-20 ottobre): «Cime Tempestose è una riflessione sull’ambivalenza della natura umana», dichiara la regista. (Katia Ippaso) (Translation)


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