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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tuesday, July 23, 2024 11:09 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
About Insider interviews broadcaster and children's author Dawn-Maria France:
Jackie Thomas: You were honoured and named the Yorkshire inspirational woman alongside notable figures like baroness Betty Boothroyd and the Brontë sisters. How did that make you feel?
DM.F.: Seeing my name alongside Baroness Betty Boothroyd, The Brontë Sisters, and Dame Judi Dench was surreal. It filled me with pride and a sense of achievement to be named among the women I deeply admire and respect. It’s a memory I will always cherish.
The Times lists the best heritage railways in the UK:
Keighley and Worth, Yorkshire
The Railway Children, based on a story by E Nesbit, was first made into a classic film in 1970 and was filmed on Yorkshire’s Keighley and Worth railway. This line is no stranger to compelling fiction, with one of its stops being Haworth: the home of the Brontë sisters. The steam railway was originally funded by local mill owners and runs for five miles between Oxenhope and Keighley. Train buffs particularly love its wuthering heights, with great pillars of steam and the sound of the hard-working locomotives echoing off steep valley sides. The Dales National Park lies just north. (Andrew Earnes)
Librotea (Spain) recommends beautiful (Spanish) editions of classics. Like this one by Alianza Editorial:
Emily Brontë vivió tan solo 30 años, de manera tranquila y discreta, aunque legó uno de los libros que siguen editándose debido a su espléndida narrativa: Cumbres borrascosas, novela que nació como producto de un propósito común, acordado con sus dos hermanas, Charlotte y Anne, de escribir una novela cada una. Con esta edición conmemorativa del segundo centenario del nacimiento de Emily Brontë, ilustrada por Bastian Kupfer, Alianza Editorial celebra a la autora por todo lo alto. Ideal para coleccionistas y amantes de los libros bellos. (David Rocha Molina) (Translation)

More Bastian Kupfer illustrations of the book can be found on juliocesarabadvidal, Excentriks or on Tejiendo críticas en la sombra

El País (Spain) explores Jane Austen's England:
Sin ir más lejos, la escritora española Espido Freire ha sido una de las que más ha ahondado en su pasado. Su obra Querida Jane, querida Charlotte permite desvelar esta fascinación, no solo por Austen sino también por las hermanas Brontë, también coetáneas. Espido se adentra en el mundo, la vida y la obra de estas escritoras que con tan poco, aisladas, en una situación de precariedad, enfermedad y pobreza consiguieron escribir obras universales. (Sara Andrade Abad) (Translation)

More The Most Wuthering Heights Ever Day alerts (including one in the Yorkshire Dales) and photo collections: Craven Herald & Pioneer, Wagga Wagga Council News, Lancashire Evening Post, Blue Mountains Gazette

Moviefone announces with some delay the Emerald Fennell's Wuthering Heights film project. And although is not exactly Brontë-related (it is! at least in the title: Plane Eyre) we cannot not recommend the new British Airways Safety Video made by Uncommon Creative Studio. More About Advertising put it like this:
More Bridgerton than Jane Eyre or Austen, it includes a witty “D’Arcy coming out of the lake” moment to remind passengers about life vests. As is de rigeur with these films, it features real British Airways staff – 40 in total – but thankfully gets a good performance out of them, courtesy of director Sharon Maguire who is best known for the Bridget Jones movies. (Emma Hall) 



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