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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunday, June 30, 2024 1:30 am by M. in ,    No comments

The second edition of 'Classici per un anno', a series dedicated to savoring literature from great ancient and modern authors, continues in Frontone, Puglia, Italy

Classici per un anno
Read by  Lucia D'Angeli, Francesca Di Modugno, Antonella Ferraro, and Eleonora Rubechi Mensitieri
Sunday, June 30, 2024, at 6:00 PM at Frontone, Castello.

Curated by Enrico Capodaglio and Lucia Ferrati, the 'Classics for a Year' 2024 series is supported by the Cassa di Risparmio di Pesaro Foundation and sponsored by the Province of Pesaro and Urbino. The event is organized by the University of the Free Age of Pesaro, in collaboration with several municipalities including Borgo Pace, Cagli, Carpegna, Fano, Fermignano, Frontone, Gradara, Pesaro, Piobbico, San Costanzo, Sassocorvaro, and Urbino.
Additional partners include the Friends of Prose Association of Pesaro, Le Voci dei Libri APS, the Bianchini Cultural Circle of Fano, the Carlo and Marise Bo Foundation of Urbino, Gradara Innova, the ex Lanificio Carotti Foundation of Fermignano/Megawatt Srl, the Sassocorvaro Pro Loco, and Prince Antonio of Carpegna.
This cultural initiative aims to bring classic literature to life through public readings in historic settings across the region." 


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