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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday, May 30, 2024 7:34 am by Cristina in , ,    No comments
Broadway World shares a first look at Julie Benko as Jane Eyre in Theatre Raleigh's production of Jane Eyre the Musical.
Get a first look at Julie Benko starring in Jane Eyre opposite Matt Bogart and directed by Megan McGinnis at Theatre Raleigh. Jane Eyre is written by John Caird and Paul Gordon. 
Jane Eyre brings Charlotte Brontë's great love story comes to life with music. The musical was nominated for five Tony Awards in 2001.
Benko will be joined onstage by previously announced Matt Bogart, who will play the role of Rochester and directed last season's Theatre Raleigh production of Jersey Boys. Bogart is a television, film and Broadway actor with numerous credits, including playing The Four Seasons' bass player Nick Massi in Jersey Boys on Broadway for more than six years. (Joshua Wright)
Click here for more pictures.

A contributor to Daily KOS discusses storytelling.
Embarking from the familiar pier of autobiography into the seas of stories, our first port of call is the Bildungsroman. From its German roots, this is a Novel of Forming or Education. In English, it means a novel that starts with a young protagonist, then maps out their psychological and moral growth—like Joyce’s Portrait. Other Bildungsromane include Tom Jones, Candide, Jane Eyre, Great Expectations, Little Women, Huckleberry Finn, and all seven Harry Potter books. (Brecht)


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