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Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Wednesday, April 03, 2024 7:46 am by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
Inverse announces that Guillermo Del Toro's Crimson Peak is going to be released in 4K:
Crimson Peak is similarly assured, drawing inspiration from romantic novels like Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights — but unlike the other films in del Toro’s oeuvre, few really understood it when it first hit theaters in 2015. (Lyvie Scott)
Broadway World announces that Julie Benko will play the leading role in a new production of Jane Eyre. The Musical in Raleigh, NC:
Award-winning Broadway performer Julie Benko, who recently appeared as Fanny Brice in the Broadway revival of "Funny Girl," will star as Jane Eyre in Theatre Raleigh's upcoming production from May 29, 2024 to June 9, 2024. (...)"Jane Eyre" brings Charlotte Brontë's great love story comes to life with music. The musical was nominated for five Tony Awards in 2001. Benko will be joined onstage by previously announced Matt Bogart, who will play the role of Rochester and directed last season's Theatre Raleigh production of "Jersey Boys." Bogart is a television, film and Broadway actor with numerous credits, including playing The Four Seasons' bass player Nick Massi in "Jersey Boys" on Broadway for more than six years. (Stephi Wild)
Slant Magazine reviews a classic by Mario Bava, now in Blu-ray, La frusta e il corpo 1963:
The opening of The Whip and the Body brings to mind Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, an equally disturbing tale of mad love that was celebrated by the surrealists. Heathcliffe (sic) stand-in Kurt Menliff (Christopher Lee) returns to his seaside castle home soon after the marriage of his brother, Christian (Tony Kendall), to the woman, Nevenka (Dahlia Lavi), who was once intended for him. (Budd Wilkins)
Time Out reviews Laura Ricote's comedy show Little Tiny Wet Show:
 If you watch too many horror movies, you might get a little unnerved when you enter the darkened sanctum that is ACMI’s Swinburne Studio to witness an array of (admittedly cardboard) tombstones erected on stage. If so, perhaps you’ll scream when Mexican-Venezuelan-American comedian Lara Ricote emerges from the shadows, pre-show, in a Wuthering Heights-like floaty white robe that seems destined to get bloody. (Stephen A. Russell)
RTÉ talks about books 'rebooted':
 Described as a prequel to Charlotte Brontë's novel Jane Eyre, the highly-regarded novel Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys was published in 1966 and remains a kind of cult classic. Prequels – now that’s a whole other ball game, but in the meantime, get ready for the Larsson avalanche.
Clarín (Argentina) lists 12 literature classics:
 Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë. La protagonista, huérfana desde su infancia y a cargo de una tía poco afectuosa, es contratada por Edward Rochester, un personaje tan apasionado como contenido, para ejercer como institutriz de su hija. Una novela romántica de 1847.
Cumbres borrascosas, de Emily Brontë. Historia del amor apasionado y tempestuoso entre Catherine Earnshaw y Heathcliff, en los sombríos ambientes de Yorkshire (Reino Unido, 1847), donde se despliegan las fuerzas de la pasión, el odio y la tragedia. (Translation)

We wonder why some readers of the New York Times consider Wuthering Books a 'funny' book. 


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