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Sunday, March 31, 2024

Sunday, March 31, 2024 11:13 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Today, March 31st, marks the 169th anniversary of the death of Charlotte Brontë.

Telly vision vision traces a profile of Michael Fassbender:
Jane Eyre 2006
Cary Joji Fukunaga (Sin Nombre) directed this visually beautiful and elegant take on Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë’s classic story, adapted for the screen by Moira Buffini. Fukunaga’s choice of restrained emotion rather than Gothic melodrama disappointed some viewers who felt it lacked passion. Newcomer Mia Wasikowska is rightly the focal point of the film (as she is in the book, which is written in first person), a perfect foil to Fassbender’s Rochester, who can charm if he needs to, but has always had all of the power until Jane came along. (Janet Mullany)
The Independent reviews Reading Lessons by Cathy Atherton:
I’ve seen for myself how good teachers can get sceptical youngsters invested in “old” fiction – such as Macbeth, An Inspector Calls, Jane Eyre and Lord of the Flies – and help, as Atherton puts it, with their “emotional maturity and willingness to make leaps of imagination”. (Martin Chilton)
The Kansas City Star talks about Sam Goldwyn's Hollywood estate, now owned by Taylor Swift:
 His house served as the set for some of those movies, including the melancholy British love story “Wuthering Heights” starring Laurence Olivier and Merle Oberon. (Lisa Gutierrez)
WMagazín interviews the writer Mariana Enríquez and, of course, the Brontës have to appear somewhere:
De Cumbres borrascosas, de Emily Brontë, y de Cementerio de animales, de Stephen King, viene la escritora argentina Mariana Enriquez, uno de los autores contemporáneos en español más relevantes, originales y exitosos a nivel internacional. (Maribel Lienhard) (Translation)
The Objective (Spain) tries to build a canon of children's and youth literature:
A esta edad, un lector ya puede –y debe– leer los grandes clásicos de la literatura universal. Resulta muy difícil aquí realizar una selección. Para empezar, ‘Orgullo y Prejuicio‘, de Jane Austen, por ejemplo, o ‘Jane Eyre‘, de Charlote Brönte (sic). (Daniel Capó) (Translation)
L'Indépendant (France) talks about a recent meeting by the Rendez-Vous de St. Estève devoted to the Brontës: 
Lors des rencontres littéraires bien connues des Rendez-vous de Saint-Estève, la commission éponyme a offert une pépite exceptionnelle en entraînant le public sur les pas des sœurs Brontë. Trois sœurs au destin prodigieux que personne n’aurait soupçonné. Les cinq membres de la commission se sont relayés pour raconter l’enfance pauvre d’Emily, de Charlotte et d’Anne, au cœur d’une Angleterre meurtrie du XIXe siècle et leur ascension semée d’embûches. Très jeunes, les trois sœurs et leur frère Branwell écrivent des histoires au contact d’un père cultivé. Elles publient d’abord des poèmes, puis des romans sous des pseudonymes masculins.  (...) (Garcia Christine) (Translation)


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