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Saturday, February 24, 2024

Saturday, February 24, 2024 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments

We report the latest issue of The Brontë Society Gazette (Issue 92. January 2024. ISSN 1344-5940).

Welcome by Sharon Wright, Director.
Letter from the Vice Chair. Julian Sladdin. Chair of the Brontë Society Board of Trustees
Happy Ending. Launch of the book The Blavatnik Honresfeld Library by Geordie Greig, Chairman of the Friends of the National Libraries
Brontë Studies News: Dr Sarah Fanning shares her decision to step down as Editor-in-Chief of the Society's academic journal.
Parsonage People: Taking the Brontës to Madison Avenue by Sarah Laycock.
Mr Tighe, Mr Brontë and the twists of fate by Dr Robert Logan
Close-up on the collection: 'shadows... quiver strangely over the doors oa  great cabinet opposite - whose front, divided into twelve panels, bore, in grim design, the heads of the twelve apostles' by David Everingham
Spiritual Sister by Andrew Stodolny
The Brontë Bookshelf: 'A lifetime of memories distilled onto paper' by Emma Conally-Barklem, author of Hymns from the Sisters.
Membership Matters: Welcome / Brontë Studies subscriptions and notifications /  Members Weekend 2024 /  Membership mailing dates 2024 / Stay in touch  by Nick Jones, Development Officer
Love at First Sight. Interview with Lucy Powrie. 
Director's Diary by Rebecca Yorke. Director, Brontë Society and Brontë Parsonage Museum.


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