
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
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Sunday, January 28, 2024

Sunday, January 28, 2024 11:17 am by M. in , ,    No comments
 A local Spanish radio show that features Wuthering Heights. On Cadena SER:
Como cada viernes en 'Hoy por Hoy para Ibiza y Formentera', tenemos cita con el librero Pedro González, de Sa Cultural, que nos acerca unas cuantas sugerencias de lectura.  (...)
González nos ha traído tres clásicos de este género, escritos hace más de un siglo, que siguen siendo el mejor exponente de la literatura romántica y han servido de inspiración a multitud de escritores contemporáneos. Esos clásicos son 'Cumbres borrascosas', 'Norte y Sur' y 'La Regenta'. (Translation)
Another Spanish radio, Onda Cero, in the programme #HistoriaD, talks about hypochondriacs. Learn how to make more mistakes in as little space as possible:
Qué pasa con los escritores. Charlotte Brontë, la autora de Cumbres Borrascosas, comenzó a los 19 años a pensar que iba a morirse.  Se murió con 39. (Javier Cancho)
Literally, nothing in that sentence is correct. Not even at what age she died.

Vogue Italy recommends books to read if you love the film Poor Things:
Cime Tempestose di Emily Brontë
Heathcliff e Catherine, innamoratissimi l'uno dell'altra, sono i protagonisti di questa storia d'amore tormentate scritta fra l'ottobre 1845 e il giugno 1846. Si tratta di un romanzo gotico romantico, ambientato proprio nel periodo vittoriano. Travolgenti le passioni che si tramutano in ossessione: per tutto il libro percepirai una profonda tensione che culminerà nella fine sublime ma brutale, al tempo stesso. (Selene Oliva) (Translation)

CanLit for Little Canadians reviews The Little Book of the Little Brontës by Sara O'Leary and Briony May Smith.


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