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Monday, January 01, 2024

Monday, January 01, 2024 5:33 pm by M. in , , , ,    No comments
 The best movies of 2023 that you have missed in Softonic:
Surely you know who Frances O’Connor is, a familiar face to fans of British period dramas, having played Fanny Price in Mansfield Park (1999) and the main character in Madame Bovary (2000).
So it seems appropriate that she makes her debut as a screenwriter and director with this biopic of Emily Brontë, which takes many creative and amusing liberties to portray the famous author as a rebellious outcast who defies the conventions and restrictions imposed on women of the time to pursue her passion and write the international success that was Wuthering Heights. (Chema Carvajal Sariano)
Avantages (France) recommends pocketbooks:
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë
Courageuse, Jane, malgré les malheurs qui lui tombent dessus depuis l’enfance (orpheline, chassée par sa tante, méprisée...) garde un esprit combatif et volontaire. Intelligente, elle trouve un emploi de gouvernante et tombe amoureuse de son employeur. Fière et indépendante, elle ne cède à aucun homme sa liberté. Bref, c’est une héroïne féministe avant l’heure et un personnage follement romantique.(Françoise Feuillet) (Translation)
Park Rapid Enterprise highlights a couple of YA books:
I have always loved Gothic fiction, from “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Brontë to “Rebecca” by Daphne du Maurier. I can’t get enough! (Mary Schwartz)
History Today carries an article, regrettably behind a paywall, about
‘Jane Eyre’ Goes to the Theatre
When it arrived on the Victorian stage, Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre had a cast of new characters and a new social order. (Stephen Ridgwell)
El Temps (in Catalan) quotes from Annie Ernaux's novel La Femme Gelée where Jane Eyre is mentioned.  "A Festive Wedding That Started The Brontë Story" is today's entry on the AnneBrontë.org website. EyreBuds publishes an episode on 
Stuffies For Broccoli: The 1963 Mini Series & Versions We Didn't See
In the style of an edgy live-action Disney movie of the 2010s, Lillian and Piper come up with a sympathetic back story for Brocklehurst. He's waaaaay more relatable now. Trust us! 
We also discuss the adaptations we didn't get to review, including silent films, radio dramas and plays. 


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