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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Tuesday, January 30, 2024 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments

A new scholarly paper that explores how Haworth was and is:

Research on the Construction of Meaning in Literary Tourism Destinations from a Constructivist Perspective: A Case Study of the Brontë Sisters’ Hometown 
Xiaobin Jia, Lingwei Meng, Xueke Zhang School of Foreign Languages, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan, 450000, China
Tourism Management and Technology Economy (2023)  Vol. 6 Num. 7, p 119

The close relationship between literature and tourism is well-established. Literary authors and their works often attract numerous readers due to their personal influence and unique artistic conception presented in their works. Consequently, places associated with literary authors and their works frequently become desired tourist destinations for readers. Every year, numerous Brontë enthusiasts from around the world journey to Haworth, in search of traces left by the Brontë sisters. The economically disadvantaged town has evolved into a literary pilgrimage site, significantly boosting local tourism. Based on the theory of constructivism, this paper analyzes the construction process of Haworth Town from different perspectives such as local government, tourists, and writers’ works, and further underscores the significant role of literature in tourism.


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