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Friday, October 06, 2023

Friday, October 06, 2023 12:41 am by M. in , ,    No comments
 It was originally published in 2021 in Italy and is now released in a Spanish translation. Jane Eyre gets the Geronimo, sorry we mean the Tea Stilton treatment:
by Tea Sitlton
Text coordination by Chiara Richelmi / Atlantyca S.p.A
Editorial collaboration by Silvia Gilardi 
Project coordination by Patrizia Puricelli 
Editorial coordination and editing by Daniela Finistauri 
Inspired by an original idea by Elisabetta Dami 
Cover: illustration by Carla Debernardi (design) and Erika de Giglio (color). 
Graphics by Federica Fontana 
Illustrations of the story by Chiara Belleello, Barbara Pellizzari and Carolina Livio (design), Valeria Cairoli (flat ink) and Daria Cerchi (color) 
Artistic coordination by Andrea Alba Benelle 
Graphic project and layout by Federica Fontana
Piemme Edizione
ISBN: 978885667830
September 2021

In una società che vuole le donne fragili e remissive, Jane Eyre è una ragazza forte, indipendente e orgogliosa, che non ha paura di sfidare tutti per difendere le sue idee, i suoi sogni e le sue emozioni. E nessuno le impedirà di amare un uomo misterioso come Rochester. Un classico liberamente adattato da Tea Stilton.


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