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Monday, October 23, 2023

Monday, October 23, 2023 12:30 am by M. in    No comments
An exhibition in Piraeus, Greece with a very Brontë touch:
Artemis Potamianou ( Άρτεμις Ποταμιάνου) - Solo exhibition
Enia Gallery, 55 Mesologgiou str, 18545 Piraeus 
20 October until 16 March 2024
DreamIdeaMachine has some additional information:
Artemis Potamianou in her solo exhibition “I want to be the Hero of my story”, presents five in situ installations composing a multi-layered narrative on the female condition, a continuation of the problematic of her previous solo exhibition “Your history, it’s not my story”. The defiance of social and artistic structures that characterizes her entire oeuvre continues to concern her as the exhibition title denotes. The exhibition starts with “Which side you are on? Fences”, a tribute to Emily Dickinson. The installation’s wire mesh, which in itself evokes strong associations, leaves little choice for the viewer by defining a predetermined path through the space. The shadows of the barbed wire on the walls and floor together with the red embroidered texts give a labyrinthine dimension, accentuating disorientation in a space that is empty in front of and behind the barbed wire. The then to maintain the authenticity of that voice, without translation and interpretation, in order to be judged and to take their rightful place among their male colleagues. Potamianou utilizes lyrics from Dickinson’s poems to return to the dialectic of managing fears, claiming identity, the loneliness of visual creation-and its questioning. The barbed wire refers to property, a boundary but also a restriction, an obstacle to free passage. But it is perforated. Ideas, creativity are difficult to harness, as the examples of Brontë and Dickinson show. 



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