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Friday, August 11, 2023

Friday, August 11, 2023 7:00 am by M. in , ,    No comments
New York The Sun's Poem of the Day is Emily Brontë's Moonlight, Summer Moonlight
Today’s Poem of the Day, by Emily Brontë (1818–1848) seems consonant somehow, in tone, with its author’s one novel, “Wuthering Heights.” This is a strange impression, perhaps, to derive from a poem that, like Monday’s poem by the twentieth-century poet Siegfriend Sassoon, opens on a scene of beauty and peace that “Breathes sweet thoughts everywhere.” 
A character blundering into this scene, so neatly set out in plainspoken common-meter quatrains, might be forgiven for expecting to find refreshment and rebirth in the limpid moonlight, the sheltering shadows of the trees. Instead what he finds, in the third stanza, is a corpse, albeit a beautiful one, like the John Everett Millais painting of the drowned Ophelia.  What begins in Romantic impulse ends in a highly aestheticized pathos.  (Joseph Bottum)
Medium publishes a what-if story of what the world could have become if the (in)famous LK99 claims of being a room-temperature superconductor were true (it isn't):
Art, in this LK-99-driven world, evolved into a sensory immersion. Imagine being enveloped by a Brontë novel, feeling the Yorkshire winds, or stepping onto the stage of a Shakespearean saga,, longer confin., ed to the canvas or screen, art installations enveloped audiences in tapestries of emotion, sound, and tangible experiences. Museums transformed from silent galleries into vibrant, evolving realms of interactive creativity. (Lewis Kaler) (Translation)
The Scotsman reviews the novel Michel Faber by  Rodge Glass:
VoI suppose for most readers The Crimson Petal, a Victorian pastiche with its echo of Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot and Trollope, remans his masterpiece. Yet it is more than a pastiche, though evidently it couldn’t escape echoes of the great Victorians.  (Allan Massie) 
Romantic literature suggested by VSD (France):
Jane Eyre
Explorez les mystères sombres et envoûtants de Thornfield Hall aux côtés de Jane Eyre. Plongez dans l’atmosphère gothique de ce récit. Où une gouvernante orpheline défie les conventions sociales et trouve l’amour au cœur de l’adversité. Le lien entre Jane et le ténébreux Mr. Rochester est magnétiquement intense. Créant une dynamique de passion et de secrets révélés.
À travers cette histoire captivante, Charlotte Brontë explore les notions de classe, de genre et d’identité, vous laissant accroché à chaque page. (Yvy Cousteau) (Translation)
The best films of Joan Fontaine according to Veintitres (Argentina):
Jane Eyre 1944
Adaptación de la célebre novela de Charlotte Brontë con un reparto de lujo, encabezado por Joan Fontaine y Orson Welles (que 3 años antes había estrenado su ópera prima "Ciudadano Kane"), sobre la profunda historia de amor de una institutriz y un rico heredero que se verá truncada por un trágico acontecimiento del pasado de éste. (Translation)

Lavart (Greece) publishes a comprehensive article on Jane Eyre (novel and adaptations). A very young reader of Jane Eyre on Éva Magazin (Hungary).



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