An alert for today, June 3 in Brussels:
Saturday 3 June 2023, 14.00-16.00
In a walk specially devised for our Group, Dr Christophe Loir will talk about the Isabelle quarter and the Royal Quarter in 1842-1843 using street plans of the period, travel guides, engravings, early photographs and press articles of the time. He’ll also talk about Victor Horta’s Bozar, the Art Deco building constructed on the site of the Pensionnat Heger, and the redevelopment of the surrounding area in the first half of the twentieth century. A swathe of the city close to the Pensionnat was razed for urban planning projects, including the construction of Horta’s Central Station and the underground rail link linking the North and South train stations.
Christophe Loir teaches at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in the department of History, Arts and Archeology. He is a researcher for the FNRS (Fonds de la Recherche scientifique) and a Member of the CRMS (Commission royale des Monuments et des Sites).
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