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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Wednesday, May 17, 2023 7:37 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
Amica (Italy) tells about the plans surrounding the release of Frances O'Connor's Emily in Italy on June 15th.
Arriverà il 15 giugno al cinema Emily diretto da Frances O’Connor, il film che racconta la vita di una delle scrittrici più amate di tutti i tempi, Emily Brontë. Il 16 maggio sarà presentato in anteprima nazionale a Torino (alle ore 21 al Cinema Nazionale), all’interno del programma del Salone OFF, la grande festa cittadina che accompagna la XXXV edizione del Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino. La proiezione sarà introdotta da Nicola Lagioia, alla sua ultima edizione come direttore. [...]
L’anteprima torinese sarà l’occasione per lanciare, in collaborazione con le Biblioteche Civiche Torinesi, gruppi di lettura e approfondimento che coinvolgeranno i tanti appassionati della scrittrice inglese per tutto il mese di giugno. L’Indice dei Libri del Mese, una delle più longeve riviste italiane di informazione culturale, proporrà ai propri lettori un’attività social dedicata a Cime Tempestose. Il Premio Calvino, uno dei più importanti riconoscimenti alle opere prime inedite di narrativa, inviterà i propri lettori a celebrare una tra le più note opere d’esordio: “Cime Tempestose” scritto nel 1845 da Emily Brontë. (Translation)
Asian Movie Pulse features actor Yusaku Matsuda.
Matsuda is an accomplished novelist, known for The Perfect Education 完全なる飼育 series of bondage and discipline fantasies that have been adapted into films. She uses her stylistic gift in depicting Yusaku's abandoned attempt to confess a secret as a gothic romance – first by continually describing him as tall, handsome and seductive, yet with darkening moods. Like a Heathcliff he was on the precipice of telling Michiko his dangerous secret on a real precipice (the edge of the roof), putting her in actual danger. Ironically, Matsuda would take on the Heathcliff role in Kiju Yoshida's 1988 adaptation of “Wuthering Heights”, one year before the actor's death. (Earl Jackson)
Slant Magazine reviews Danza Macabra Volume One: Italian Gothic Collection on Severin Films Blu-ray.
Scream of the Demon Lover proves progressively inclined, given that it features a plucky, headstrong protagonist who’s more than capable of holding her own against the overbearing master of the house, at least until the incendiary finale. The bristly dynamic between the two leads, as well as several of the incidental plot points, reveal the unmistakable influence of Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre on the production. On the other hand, several of the film’s lubricious acts of perverse sadomasochism wouldn’t seem out of place in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, particularly the scene where Janos’s disfigured brother, Igor (Enzo Fisichella), frenziedly whips Janos’s hounds as an expression of defiantly repressed sexuality. (Budd Wilkins)
Ouest-France features young readers.
« Une amie qui m’a fait découvrir After d’Anna Todd, pendant le confinement », raconte Solène 17 ans. « C’est grâce à cette saga littéraire que j’ai eu envie de lire Les Hauts de Hurlevent d’Emily Brontë (1818-1848) car le roman y est cité », remarque Arielle, 17 ans, tout en distinguant la lecture facile et divertissante que lui procure la new romance de celle, plus littéraire, que lui offrent les classiques de la littérature anglaise du XIXᵉ siècle qu’elle adore. « Ce n’est pas incompatible de lire les deux », renchérit Solène. (Anne-Flore Hervé) (Translation)


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