
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Tuesday, January 24, 2023 7:36 am by Cristina in ,    No comments
More hurrahs for Happy Valley in The Independent.
Kirstey Porter, 49, said she loves how Happy Valley highlights Yorkshire locals’ “grit” and “humour”.
“A reference to stew in the middle of an excruciatingly painful conversation sums us up pretty perfectly and I’ll think about that each time I ask myself ‘What’s for tea?’ for quite a while,” she said.
“A frequent traveller, I watch Happy Valley from wherever I am in the world, when I need a fix of home. Sally Wainwright is high on my list with other Yorkshire greats: David Hockney, Henry Moore, the Brontës, Alan Bennett, Barbara Hepworth to name but a few… long may she continue!” (Ellie Harrison)
Diari de Tarragona (Spain) reviews Emily.
Nace el filme con el viejo prejuicio de vincular la vida de los escritores con las obras que aquellos produjeron. Ya conocemos los desmanes que las teorías biografistas han obrado en la lectura e interpretación de algunos textos literarios. Sin embargo, a Frances O’Connor no cabe situarla entre las ingenuidades de ese movimiento, pues desde el primer instante la directora no oculta su propósito de fantasear con la vida de Emily Brontë, descartando por lo tanto asideros biográficos, tan tentadores como forzados, que explicasen algunos pasajes de su famosa novela. [...]
Mención aparte merecen la preciosa fotografía de la cinta y el mimo con el que el cine británico –qué envidia– trata siempre a las figuras de su tradición literaria. (Fernando Parra) (Translation)
Campo Grande News (Brazil) focuses on explaining how it differs from Emily's real life as we know it.


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