
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
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Friday, January 27, 2023

Friday, January 27, 2023 7:52 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
Evening Standard recommends 'The best books adapted into film and TV this year including Hotel Portofino and House of the Dragon' and the list includes Emily even if it's based on the life of a writer, not a book.
Emily is a biographical drama about Emily Brontë starring Emma Mackey and written and directed by actor Frances O’Connor. So while, admittedly, the film isn’t based on a particular book itself, it will be depicting the life of one of Britain’s most accomplished writers.
Best known for her novel Wuthering Heights, Emily also wrote searing Gothic poetry: “Often rebuked, yet always back returning / To those first feelings that were born with me,” she wrote in 1850. “What have those lonely mountains worth revealing? / More glory and more grief than I can tell: / The earth that wakes one human heart to feeling / Can centre both the worlds of Heaven and Hell.” Getting lost in her poetry is a wonderful way to spend an hour or two. (Elizabeth Gregory)
Funnily enough, we have never managed to get lost in her 1850 poems... you know, those she wrote after her death in 1848. That poem, in particular, is fairly controversial as it was published by her sister Charlotte in 1850 but there's no manuscript for it and some critics argue that it might have been penned by Charlotte herself in the style of her sister's poetry.

San Francisco Bay Times reports that the opening night of the Mostly British Film Festival 2023 (February 9–16) will feature Emily.

Mental Floss shares '11 Things You Should Know About Kazuo Ishiguro':
As an adult, Ishiguro counts Charlotte Brontë and Fyodor Dostoevsky as his favorite novelists—and ranks Brontë above Dostoevsky. “I owe my career, and a lot else besides, to Jane Eyre and Villette,” he said. (Erin McCarthy)
iNews interviews writer Yaba Badoe.
Which fictional character most resembles you?
I don’t think I’m alone in identifying with just about every fictional character I’ve enjoyed. I was Katy when I read What Katy Did, Jane Eyre, Celie in The Color Purple. More recently I’ve found myself identifying with the YA characters I’ve created: Sante in A Jigsaw of Fire and Stars, and Sheba and her ghastly mother, Sika, in Lionheart Girl. Good or bad, they seem to become a part of me.
Alta describes Andrew Sean Greer’s Less as 'a contemporary rejoinder to the bildungsroman' and describes the genre:
But in either case, acquisition of the knowledge is a kind of achievement—the fulfillment of a tacit promise that with age comes understanding. Undoing the episodic narratives preferred in prior centuries, the bildungsroman implies that a character’s progress is better than their continuity. Why be Odysseus, departing, adventuring, and then returning home unchanged, when you can be David Copperfield, Jane Eyre, or Harry Potter, ascending and surmounting? (Anna E. Clark)
Aventuras Na História (Brazil) features the Brontë sisters.


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