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Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Tuesday, April 05, 2022 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments
A new thesis and a new paper:
Revisiting Otherness in Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea
Hombrado Pérez, María J
Universidad de Jaén, March 2022

El estudio de la historia en el mundo occidental siempre ha situado a Europa como la potencia mundial. En consecuencia, los movimientos poscoloniales surgieron con el fin desafiar y cambiar actitudes obsoletas e injustificadas hacia los grupos que siempre se han considerado como minorías. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo revisar la naturaleza de estos estudios poscoloniales haciendo énfasis en el concepto de la otredad. Para ello, se prestará atención a las novelas Jane Eyre, escrita por Charlotte Bröntte (sic), y Wide Sargasso Sea, de Jean Rhys. El propósito de este trabajo es realizar un análisis de esta nueva versión desde el punto de vista de los estudios poscoloniales y desde el concepto de la otredad.
The study of History in the western world has always placed Europe as the dominant power. Postcolonial studies emerged to defy and change obsolete and unjustified attitudes towards what have always been considered minor cultures. This dissertation aims at revising the nature of these postcolonial studies with a special focus on the concept of the other. To do so, the attention has been drawn to two particular novels, Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brönte (sic), and Wide Sargasso Sea, by Jean Rhys. The purpose of this project is to carry out an analysis of this new version of the story in the light of postcolonial studies, and of the concept of the other in particular.

Yao Cao
Scientifc and Social Research, Vol 4, No 3, 

As the second-generation protagonist of Wuthering Heights, Little Linton’s appearance rekindled the conspiracy and love between two families. Under the guidance of his father, Heathcliff, he was forced to marry Cathy and eventually died tragically in Wuthering Heights. Looking at the whole classic, Little Linton played a crucial role in the development of the plot. By using relevant theories including “Gothic” character characteristics, repeated narration, and initiation stories, this paper analyzes Little Linton’s character, its forming factors, and his role in this work as well as explores the practical significance behind this character on the basis of an in-depth summary of his short life.


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