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Friday, February 04, 2022

Friday, February 04, 2022 1:32 am by M. in , ,    No comments
A new CD with compositions inspired by Emily Brontë's poetry:
by Sofie Livebrant 
Rootsy Music
4 February 2022
Folkradio has a complete review:
Included in the 1850 edition, Shall Earth No More Inspire Thee again has a fingerpicked acoustic arrangement that flows like a stream, her voice reflecting a similar watery quality, capturing the melancholy of the poem, the subject of whom has lost connection with the earth and its beauty. Then, set to a crunchy marching percussive
rhythm Deep Deep Down In The Silent Grave again turns to her preoccupation with death and the complexity of the feelings harboured by the living in the wake of the burial, while, airily sung with again a simple fingerpicked accompaniment and lengthy nervy piano and string midsection, a more uplifting tone (“And what a gush of song is given/To welcome in that light serene”) is struck with Awakening Morning Laughs. (Read more) (Mike Davies)


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