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Monday, February 14, 2022

Monday, February 14, 2022 12:30 am by M. in , ,    No comments
Jen Silverman's The Moors is being performed these day in Fayetteville, AR:
University Theatre on the UA campus in Fayetteville
7:30 p.m. Feb. 11-12; 2 p.m. Feb. 13; 7:30 p.m. Feb. 16-19; 2 p.m. Feb. 20
COST — Free, but online reservations are required

Directed by Lucy Post

In the bleak and savage moors, there live two sisters. The eldest commands the house, leaving the youngest trapped in her shadow. But when a governess arrives, lies are revealed and loyalties shift...until someone reaches her breaking point. A riff on the lives and works of certain 19th-century novel-writing sisters, this dark contemporary comedy examines love, power, and our longing to be seen.
Set on the bleak English moors, Jen Silverman's dark comedy is the tale of two sisters and a new arrival that upsets the status quo. Critic J. Peter Bergman, writing in The Berkshire Edge in Great Barrington, Mass., says they are "characters that remind of us of other people we've been aware of: Agatha and Huldey, two sisters living in a rundown manse on the moors, just like the Brontë sisters; an impressionable governess (take your pick from Jane Eyre or Henry James' ghost tale); a mastiff considered dangero
us (Sherlock Holmes and the Baskervilles) but who is a lovesick puppy; a devastating maidservant or servants (Mrs. Danvers in 'Rebecca'); and a Moor Hen. Note to audience: this is a very funny play about a very savage subject -- jealousy and its inherent depravity." (Becca Martin-Brown)

And in Barcelona, Spain:

Duel Austen-Brontë
Lectura en Veu Alta
Llibreria Finestres, February 24, 19:00h
Diputació, 249, Barcelona

Jane Austen i les germanes Brontë estan d’enhorabona: no paren de traduir-se al català (gràcies a Viena Edicions, Casa dels Clàssics), i de tenir èxit en ple segle XXI! Però... qui és millor? Qui és la més aguda, la més punxant, la més irònica, la més negra? Jane Eyre? Elizabeth Bennet? Agnes Grey? Es formaran dos equips i se’n llegiran fragments per dilucidar-ho: qui descriu millor l’amor? I el matrimoni? I l’amistat? I tu, amb qui vas, amb Jane Austen o amb les germanes Brontë?
Amb uns quants dels traductors (Yannick Garcia / Alba Dedéu / Marta Pera), escriptors (Victor Garcia Tur), editors (Roger Aluja / Raül Garrigasait / Isabel Monsó + Blanca Pujals) i lectors i amics de Finestres: Marta Cava / Maria Callís / Anna Guitart / Mara Faye Lethem, Mixa... i més!


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