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Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sunday, January 30, 2022 1:49 am by M. in ,    No comments
New research from Uzbekistan and Indonesia:
Charlotte Brontë: From shadow to reality. 
Shakhnoza Sadikova. (2022). Eurasian Scientific Herald, 4, 23–25

This paper aims to investigate and compare data about Charlotte Brontë. Initially, it presents some specific information about the life and literary works of the author. Secondly, it draws the reader’s attention to the personality of the writer by depicting her internal and external appearance. Finally, the article reveals some fragments from the author’s novel “The Professor” and intends to decode the literary and actual messages of the work.
Lin Jin,  Yohanes Kurniawan Winardi and Endar Rachmawaty Linuwih
ELite Journal : International Journal of Education, Language, and Literature, Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022)

This study focuses on Charles Fourier's feminism and Maslow's self-actualization. The writers concentrate on Maslow's self-actualization theory's self-esteem prerequisite and five personality traits in this study. This study is qualitative research, and it employs descriptive-analytic methods. This study examines Jane Eyre's utterances and actions to uncover her personality traits in the novel Jane Eyre, to analyze Jane Eyre's inner feminist thinking. It is worth emphasizing that this research uses feminism as the theoretical background to explain the personality characteristics of Jane Eyre's inherent self-actualization. A conclusion was reached at the end of the discussion. Jane Eyre satisfies the need for self-esteem, has a self-esteem personality, and expresses the five self-actualization personality traits. Five of them are perceiving reality, accepting the self and others, being problem-centrist, independent, resisting, and criticizing the existing social culture. This research serves as a reference for studying feminist thought and is limited to looking at its thoughts through inner personality traits, suitable for providing references for people who want to know how to achieve self-actualization in society.


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