Saturday, December 18, 2021
Anne Brontë's autograph manuscript volume of 10 poems and the Brontë family's much annotated copy of Bewick's 'History of British Birds' will go to @BronteParsonage #BlavatnikHonresfieldLibrary
— Friends of the National Libraries (FNL) (@FNL313) December 17, 2021
Emily Brontë’s holograph notebook of 31 poems, with annotations in Charlotte's hand, believed by many scholars to have been lost will be donated to @britishlibrary, who will be working with their consortium partners @BronteParsonage and @LULGalleries #BlavatnikHonresfieldLibrary
— Friends of the National Libraries (FNL) (@FNL313) December 17, 2021
Onto regular news now. Wise Children's Wuthering Heights has made it to #2 on the list of best theatre 2021 compiled by The Guardian.In another novel approach some will be donated to the shared ownership of several institutions. e.g. Charlotte Brontë's 7 'little books' will be owned jointly by @BronteParsonage, the Brotherton @LULGalleries and @britishlibrary so the widest possible audience can enjoy them.
— Friends of the National Libraries (FNL) (@FNL313) December 17, 2021
2 Wuthering Heights (UK tour)How on earth did Emma Rice manage to stage Emily Brontë’s gothic love story in a way that was irreverent, innovative and yet supremely faithful in spirit? This co-production by the National Theatre, Wise Children, Bristol Old Vic and York Theatre Royal captured all the sharp edges of the book, from its outsider identities to its violence and dangerously toxic masculinity. A funny, moving, meta-theatrical experience: Rice at her very best. (Arifa Akbar, Brian Logan and Lyndsey Winship)
The Elora Community Theatre has canceled the run of Jane Eyre at the Fergus Grand Theatre this weekend.The Board of Directors says this is due to the rise in COVID cases and the concern for the Health and Safety of the cast, crew, and patrons.In a post to social media, The Fergus Grand Theatre issued this statement:“Due to the rapidly-evolving public health situation, the Board of Directors of Elora Community Theatre has chosen to cancel the remaining performances of the production of Jane Eyre, that were slated to take place this weekend at the Fergus Grand Theatre. All affected patrons will be contacted by the box office in the next few days with further information.” (Austin Cardinell)
Banbridge: The Star of County Down (History Press, £14.99) by Doreen McBride. A blend of heritage, folklore and customs, the historical detail is interwoven with oral testimonies from those who recall the war years of the 1940s. One chapter deals with country cures, superstitions and old sayings, the product of a survey of grandparents, great-aunts and uncles by staff and pupils of Edenderry Primary School. Ailments from arthritis to the whooping cough are outlined, along with numerous suggestions such as one for curing hiccups: hold a penny between two toes and transfer it to two other toes on the other foot without letting it touch the ground. Illustrious names linked to the town include Patrick Brontë, the father of the Brontë sisters, the weaving poet Joseph Carson, who wrote in the Ulster-Scots dialect, sculptor FE McWilliam, and William Kennedy, a blind piper and maker of uilleann pipes. But many may not be aware that the Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe’s grandfather ran a bakery on Dromore Street that specialised in wedding cakes. (Paul Clements)
Such is her range of knowledge — in one essay she refers to herself as an "intellectual vagabond" — that readers can anticipate scintillating discussions of subjects such as psychoanalytic theories, Plato, Bourdieu, Jane Austen and the Brontes. Hustvedt's enthusiasm for her subjects and the ease with which she discusses them make it a delight to plunge into the deep end of a subject previously unknown to the reader. (Lorraine Berry)
“It’s why I’ve commissioned an MA student at York University to do more research in order to tell the story further,” says [Clair Challenor-Chadwick, managing director of PR firm Cause UK, who also runs the Malton Dickensian Festival]. “There’s the Brontë link in Haworth and Bram Stoker’s in Whitby. We really want to add to that canon of rich storytelling by saying Dickens needs to be celebrated by Yorkshire as well.” (Susan Griffin)
I think I became enamored with writing letters from reading historical books for young women — including the entire Little House series, Bronte and a smattering of Austen and Alcott. In the times of these authors, writing a letter was a deeply human act — sometimes heartfelt, sometimes courageous — followed by the excruciating task of waiting for a reply. (Heather Hacking)
Los libros me proporcionaban las alas y la autonomía que la vida precaria era incapaz de poner a mi alcance, me permitían moverme en el tiempo, como los automóviles se mueven en el espacio, y conocer así a Jane Eyre o a Jo March, a la Carmen Rosa de MOS, o conmoverme hasta las lágrimas con la pequeña vendedora de fósforos y sentirme amiga y cómplice de gentes de otras épocas y otros reinos, tan reales como mi familia. (Nasly Ustáriz F.) (Translation)
En 1837 Charlotte Brontë envió sus versos al, entonces célebre, poeta Robert Southey y la respuesta fue tajante: «La literatura no puede ser un asunto que ocupe la vida de una mujer». A mí me dice eso y me paso llorando un mes, encerrada en mi habitación y escuchando Metallica hasta que me revienten los tímpanos; pero ella no. Ella cogió su novela y se pasó por el arco del triunfo al señor ese, al que ahora nadie conoce, y disfrutó escribiendo «Jane Eyre». ¡Qué admiración más grande! ¿No? ¿Alguien ha visto alguna película escrita por ese señor en Netflix? No, pues eso… karma. (Georgina Pérez Romero) (Translation)
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Charlotte Bronte Remembered In 1911 And Today - This week saw the celebration of International Women’s Day, a day as important today as it has ever been. Women’s voices are all too often struggling to be...1 day ago
Marie Gevers and the Brontës - Author Éléonore Desclée mentioned in her Feb. 15 presentation to the Brussels Brontë Group that one of her assigned books in literature class in high sch...1 week ago
End of Year Reading Wrap-Up: My 2024 in Books - Reader, it’s time to reflect on my 2024 literary journey as we close out another year. Here’s a look back at the highlights of my year in books. The below ...2 months ago
ERROR: Database error: Table './rss/feeds' is marked as crashed and should be repaired at /var/www/html/ line 1657. -2 months ago
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The corrected spelling of one of the greatest of all literary names. Reader, it is finally Brontë, not Bronte. - An 85-year injustice has been rectified at Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey with the corrected spelling of one of the greatest of all literary names. R...3 months ago
Jane Eyre: Fate & Fortune - a card game - Doesn’t it seem like there are quite a few games based on classic novels like Pride and Prejudice? It’s fun to see, but I was always hopeful that someone...3 months ago
More taphophilia! This time in search of Constantin Heger's grave in Brussels. - Constantin Heger's Grave Charlotte Bronte Constantin Heger Whilst on a wonderful four day visit to Brussels in October 2024, where I had t...4 months ago
Empezando a leer con Jane Eyre (parte 2) - ¡Hola a todos! Hace unos pocos días enseñaba aquí algunas fotografías de versiones de Jane Eyre de Charlotte Brontë adaptadas para un público infantil en f...4 months ago
Goodbye, Jane - As two wonderful years come to an end, Piper and Lillian reflect on what we've learned from Jane Eyre. Thank you for joining us on this journey. Happy...1 year ago
Hello! - This is our new post website for The Anne Brontë Society. We are based in Scarborough UK, and are dedicated to preserving Anne’s work, memory, and legacy. ...1 year ago
Final thoughts. - Back from honeymoon and time for Charlotte to admire her beautiful wedding day bonnet before storing it carefully away in the parsonage. After 34 days...2 years ago
Ambrotipia – Tesori dal Brontë Parsonage Museum - Continua la collaborazione tra The Sisters’ Room e il Brontë Parsonage Museum. Vi mostriamo perciò una serie di contenuti speciali, scelti e curati dire...2 years ago
Buon bicentenario, Anne !!!!! - Finalmente annunciamo la novita' editoriale dedicata ad Anne nel giorno bicentenario della nascita: la sua prima biografia tradotta in lingua italiana, sc...5 years ago
Two New Anne Brontë 200 Books – Out Now! - Anne was a brilliant writer (as well as a talented artist) so it’s great to see some superb new books…5 years ago
Review of Mother of the Brontës by Sharon Wright - Sharon Wright’s Mother of the Brontës is a book as sensitive as it is thorough. It is, in truth, a love story, and, as with so many true love stories, the ...5 years ago
Brontë in media - Wist u dat? In de film ‘The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society’ gebaseerd op de gelijknamige briefroman, schrijft hoofdrolspeelster Juliet Ashto...5 years ago
Ken Hutchison's devilish Heathcliff - *Richard Wilcocks writes:* Ken Hutchison and Kay Adshead Browsing through the pages of *The Crystal Bucket* by Clive James, last read a long time ago (p...5 years ago
Nouvelle biographie des Brontë en français - Même si, selon moi, aucune biographie ne peut surpasser l’excellent ouvrage de Juliet Barker (en anglais seulement), la parution d’une biographie en frança...5 years ago
Researching Emily Brontë at Southowram - A couple of weeks ago I took a wander to the district of Southowram, just a few miles across the hills from Halifax town centre, yet feeling like a vil...6 years ago
Reading Pleasures - Surrounded by the heady delights of the Brontë Parsonage Museum library archive, I opened this substantial 1896 Bliss Sands & Co volume with its red cover ...6 years ago
Link: After that dust-up, first editions are dusted off for Brontë birthday - The leaden skies over Haworth could not have been more atmospheric as they set to work yesterday dusting off the first editions of Emily Brontë at the begi...7 years ago
Page wall post by Clayton Walker - Clayton Walker added a new photo to The Brontë Society's timeline.7 years ago
Page wall post by La Sezione Italiana della Brontë Society - La Sezione Italiana della Brontë Society: La Casa editrice L'Argolibro e la Sezione Italiana della Brontë Society in occasione dell'anno bicentenario dedi...7 years ago
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Display Facebook posts in a WordPress widget - You can display posts from any Facebook page or group on a WordPress blog using the RSS-widget in combination with RSS feeds from https://www...7 years ago
charlottebrontesayings: To Walk Invisible - The Brontë Sisters,... - charlottebrontesayings: *To Walk Invisible - The Brontë Sisters, this Christmas on BBC* Quotes from the cast on the drama: *“I wanted it to feel...8 years ago
thegrangersapprentice: Reading Jane Eyre for English class.... - thegrangersapprentice: Reading Jane Eyre for English class. Also, there was a little competition in class today in which my teacher asked some really spe...8 years ago
5. The Poets’ Jumble Trail Finds - Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending with some friends a jumble trail in which locals sold old – and in some instances new – bits and bobs from their ...9 years ago
How I Met the Brontës - My first encounter with the Brontës occurred in the late 1990’s when visiting a bookshop offering a going-out-of -business sale. Several books previously d...10 years ago
Radio York - I was interviewed for the Paul Hudson Weather Show for Radio York the other day - i had to go to the BBC radio studios in Blackburn and did the interview...11 years ago
Short excerpt from an interview with Mia Wasikowska on the 2011 Jane Eyre - I really like what she says about the film getting Jane's age right. Jane's youth really does come through in the film.13 years ago
Emily Brontë « joignait à l’énergie d’un homme la simplicité d’un enfant ». - *Par **T. de Wyzewa.* C’est M. Émile Montégut qui, en même temps qu’il révélait au public français la vie et le génie de Charlotte Brontë, a le premier cit...14 years ago
CELEBRATION DAY - MEDIA RELEASE February 2010 For immediate release FREE LOCAL RESIDENTS’ DAY AT NEWLY REFURBISHED BRONTË MUSEUM This image shows the admission queue on the...15 years ago
Poetry Day poems - This poem uses phrases and lines written by visitors at the Bronte Parsonage Museum to celebrate National Poetry Day 2009, based on words chosen from Emily...15 years ago
The Secret Diaries of Charlotte Bronte - Firstly, I would like to thank the good people at Avon- Harper Collins for sending me a review copy of Syrie James' new book, The Secret Diaries of Charlot...15 years ago
Podcasts, Etc..
S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...4 months ago
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