
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Friday, November 19, 2021

Friday, November 19, 2021 7:45 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
Dewsbury Reporter highlights Dewsbury's potential to attract turists.
Coun Cathy Scott, Dewsbury East councillor and deputy leader of Kirklees Council, fears that much of Dewsbury’s history and its artefacts are being lost because the town no longer has a museum.
And she believes Dewsbury has neglected to maximise the tourism appeal of its rich and varied history - from the Brontës to Dewsbury-born former Speaker of the House of Commons Baroness Betty Boothroyd. (Martin Shaw)
Another Mag features artist Karyn Lyons.
 “I also loved Jane Eyre and Northanger Abbey and fantasied about being shipped off to a girl's boarding school on the moors of England,” Lyons says. “Maybe there is a bit of Gothic fantasy in those interiors as well.” (Sarah Moroz)
TTT Magazine (France) features Jane Campion.
Mais selon elle,  les histoires ne peuvent jamais être complétement autobiographiques puisque l’on vit à travers les autres. Elle se dit également très inspirée par la littérature, citant  particulièrement Emilie Brontë et Virginia Woolf. Les livres sont pour elle comme une « carte routière » pour trouver le chemin de l’adaptation. (Léona Fau) (Translation)
El País Smoda (Spain) reports that bonnets (or something similar to them) are back.
El look de Jane Eyre o las hermanas Brönte (sic), con sus cofias y capotas, es la curiosa inspiración de influyentes digitales en Instagram de alabado gusto excéntrico como Blanca Miró o Emili Sindlev. (Amaia Odriozola) (Translation)
Diario de Sevilla (Spain) mentions women writers' use of pseudonyms claiming that Charlotte Brontë's was 'Currel Bell'. Vanguardia (Mexico) has an article on Emily Brontë. Distractify uses Emily Brontë's poem 'Love and Friendship' to discuss Darlene's new boyfriend on the ABC sitcom The Conners.


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