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Monday, September 20, 2021

Monday, September 20, 2021 10:19 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
A columnist from Stuff (New Zealand) writes about her 14 days in isolation following a trip to London.
The isolation has given my body time to rest and my mind a chance to savour the precious moments I spent with old friends. Ms Charlotte Brontë, Mr F Scott Fitzgerald and recently Ms Mary Ann Evans (pen name George Eliot) have been great companions, winning my admiration for their astonishing power of expression and keen observations of human character. Thanks to them, I have felt no need to turn on the TV, not even once. (Donna Miles)
This is the first sighting of the 2021 autumn season of Emily Brontë's 'Fall leaves fall' poem: in L'Occhio (Italy) with the bonus of being translated into Italian.
Cadete foglie, cadete fiori e svanite,
notte distenditi, accorciati giorno,
ogni foglia mi parla di pace soave
staccandosi con un sussurro dall’albero autunnale.
Emily Brontë
This contributor to ScreenRant needs to reread Jane Eyre and take a look at a British history book:
Published by Storybrewers Roleplaying, the Good Society RPG puts players in the shoes of gentlefolk from the aristocracy of 19th Century Regency-era England - the setting of famous romantic novels by authors such as Jane Austen or the Brontë sisters. In true Pride & Prejudice or Jane Eyre fashion, players of Good Society take on the roles of marriageable heirs in charge of sizable estates and socialites looking to improve their lot in life, then together weave stories of ambition, honor, family, loyalty, treachery and love. (Coleman Gailloreto)
Kolding Netavis (Denmark) reviews the book Manden, som træerne elskede by Nikolaj Johansen.
Bogen, der er skrevet frit efter en roman fra 1912 af Algernon Blackwood, lægger sig stemningsmæssigt op ad den gotiske romangenre, så kan man lide klassikere som Mary Shelleys ”Frankenstein” og Charlotte Brontës ”Jane Eyre”, vil man også synes om Nikolai Johansens roman. (Elo Christoffersen) (Translation)
Acento (Dominican Republic) features Jane Eyre. Strictly Come Dancing meets the Brontës on AnneBrontë.org.


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